Wydział Elektrotechniki, Elektroniki, Informatyki i Automatyki / Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering / W2
Stały URI zbioruhttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/2
3 wyniki
Wyniki wyszukiwania
Pozycja Application of adaptive and fuzzy techniques in control of permanent magnet motors(Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2007) Kabziński, JacekThe scope of the paper is to demonstrate that fuzzy models together with adaptive control techniques are useful methods in control permanent magnet motor's currents, speed and position. It is dso pointed out that fuzzy flux distribution models can be helpful to obtain so called "circle diagram" of the machine with saturation and to derive optimal desired currents trajectories. The applicability of disturbance fuzzy model for solving the problem of tracking position control oflinear motor is also demonstrated.Pozycja Fuzzy systems in permanent magnet motors description(Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2007) Kabziński, JacekSeveral artificial intelligence techniques for fuzzy modelling of flux distribution, electromagnetic and disturbance (friction, ripples) torques in permanent magnet rotational motors are proposed. Based on a model taking into account several nonlinear phenomena such as non-sinusoidal flux linkage, saturation effects etc observer-based parameter identifiers approach is used to plan identification experiments and to obtain the data. Next fuzzy models are applied to approximate the experimental data. Several training algorithms tuning the fuzzy model parameters and to simplifying the model structure are compared.Pozycja O sterowaniu typu "Adaptive backstepping" dla silników z zagłębionymi magnesami trwałymi(Instytut Automatyki Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2005) Kabziński, Jacek; Marzjan, KrzysztofW pracy przedstawiono procedurę projektowania regulatora metodą „adaptive backstepping" dla silnika z magnesami trwałymi umieszczonymi we wnętrzu wirnika. Zaproponowano uproszczoną wersję układu i w drodze eksperymentów numerycznych pokazano jej przydatność.