Książki, monografie, podręczniki, rozdziały (WOiZ)

Stały URI dla kolekcjihttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/178



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  • Pozycja
    Więzi partnerskie a proces kształtowania nowoczesnej architektury biznesu
    (Centrum Doradztwa i Informacji Difin, Warszawa, 2007) Adamik, Anna
  • Pozycja
    Creating of competitive advantage based on cooperation
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2008) Adamik, Anna; Jeżak, Jan; Lachiewicz, Stefan
    A competitive advantage is the core of functioning of an enterprise in competitive market. It becomes a strategic goal of every enterprise functioning in market economy. The ability of its achieving and sustaining in quickly changing environment is most valuable nowadays. Everyone wishes to function as long as it is possibile achieving the bLggest profits. Unfortunately, it is not possible in every case as competing in modem globalizing market often entails quick beginning of the process of conscious building competitive advantage. This means conscious use of resources and capabilities being within the reach of an enterprise, adaptation to environment and rules, limitations and requirements of interorganizational (and often international) cooperation. It is not an easy process as it depends on many elements, which are not only difficult to accumulate individually, but also difficult to sustain within an organization for good. However, it seems that cooperation is a vital support in realization of this task. It cannot be denied that a loyal, comitted, active and r~liable partner is invaluable in many situations, both in and out market. This can be well applied in the process of building competitive advantage of enterprises. Thus, pointing at the necessity, role and ways of using relations resulting from interorganizational cooperation in the process of building competitive advantage is the aim of this work. To achieve it, four complementary chapters have been distinguished. In the first chapter (The essence and meaning of competitive advantage), the concept of competitive advantage, its basic traits and menaing have been discussed. Basic factors influencing the process of creation of CA have also been characterized. In the second chapter (The process of building sustained competitive advantage of an enterprise), basic levels (macro, mezo, micro) that each enterprise should take into account when building advantage consciously, have been thourougly analyzed. There are also clues on how to assess the condition of competitive advantage of an enterprise and how to maintain, protect and strenghten it. The third chapter ( Cooperation of enterprises in the process of building competitive advantage) discusses cooperative way of building advantage, by cooperation with environment. Thus, identifying the essence of cooperation and the system of interorganizational cooperation, its basic forms and levels has been shown. The role of cooperation in the process of building competitive advantage has also been emphasized. The last chapter attempts to link the theory of building advantage and the cooperation theory with the functioning of Polish enterprises in practice. Three issues have been chosen as best reflecting discussed problems. At the beginning of the chapter, short analysis of enterprises belonging to high technology sector has been done to show the meaning and the highest efficiency of various forms of cooperation. This example best shows that understanding and financing technologically advanced aspects and production and organizational details by one expert or a single company is impossible these days. Therefore, enterprises operate on the basis of various connections and cooperation agreements to achieve their aims. The effects of such attitude are undeniable and they strenghten systhematically. In the second part of the last chapter, SMEs have been discussed in detail as they should be most cooperation- oriented because of many (resource, organizational, financial, personal and other) limitations and other development barriers. In the last part of the chapter, the issue of building advantage on the basis of ethical, socially responsible cooperation has been taken into consideration. It is still underrated and thus less applied in Polish conditions. It is hoped that this work will help to change this situation. CSR( Customer Social Responsibility) may be one of the most interesting ways of creating the position of Polish companies in domestic markets. It will be for sure of great importance in global markets where requirements concerning meeting standards of responsible business are obvious. The author of this work is aware of the fact that the results of literature and empirical research do not cover all the questions related to building competitive advantage on the basis of cooperation. In some cases it will encourage establishing interorganizational or business-related cooperation to strenghten competitive status of an enterprise. It seems that this work can provoke further research in the analyzed area, which the author of it will certainly do in her scientific work.