Wydawnictwa Uczelniane / TUL Press

Stały URI zbioruhttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/17


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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 10 z 37
  • Pozycja
    Discussion on the effect of topographic barrier on the morphology of Chinese mountainous cities: an example of Southwest China
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Zhuoyuan Sun; Yong Huang
    China is a mountainous country and mountains account for 69% of the country’s land area. Therefore, relevant scholars believe that the second half of Chinese development with high quality urbanization is in the mountainous region. Topographic barrier in this mountainous district have been produced unique morphology of mountainous cities which also have negative impacts such as excessive construction costs and information blocking. So we take mountainous cities in south-western region which own the most mountainous cities in China, as the research object to analysis how to achieve high-quality development with mountainous region in China. Firstly, we summarize the types of topographic barrier such as horizontal cutting, vertical limitation and integrated guidance to form four morphological types of mountainous cities including clump, ribbon, radial and group over time by figure-to-bottom relationship and typological analysis. Then this interweaving of natural and artificial built environment forms a generalized spatiotemporal evolution model of mountainous cities. Finally, this evolutionary process has also formed spatial effects of different scales from region, urban and block perspective, respectively. Therefore, this article expects to introduce a Chinese unique mountainous urban space, providing a reference for development of mountainous cities in other countries.
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    Exploration of the Renewal Strategy of Historic and Cultural District by the Mean of Sharing – an example of Shanghai Tilanqiao Area
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Xu Jiaqi
    Due to the diversification of people's needs, the traditional restoration-based conservation strategies for historic and cultural districts can no longer meet contemporary needs. How to break through the traditional conservation strategy and activate historic and cultural districts in a people-oriented way by the mean of sharing will be the focus of the renewal strategy of historic and cultural districts. This paper takes the Tilanqiao district, one of the 12 historic and cultural districts in central Shanghai, as an example, and conducts a preliminary investigation into the renewal strategy of historic and cultural districts by the mean of sharing. Through field research and analysis based on Conzen urban morphology, this paper proposes that the main problems of the Tilanqiao district currently exist: narrow streets, low quality of businesses, lack of public space and no cultural atmosphere. Through the application of sharing architecture, the renewal strategy of historic and cultural districts is proposed in three aspects: sharing by all, sharing by transfer and group sharing, to contribute to the revitalization of the historic and cultural districts. This paper is subsidized by NSFC project which is named as , NO.51978468.
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    A Review on Dynamic Conservation of Ancient Cities from the Perspective of Urban Morphology
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Wei Hanyu; Wang Guoguang
    The protection of ancient cities has changed from static security to dynamic protection, focusing on predicting the future based on the past and seeking a sustainable development path. Practice needs innovative guiding principles, tools and methods. The study reviewed 57 papers on the dynamic conservation of ancient cities from 2012 to 2022. This paper expounds on understanding the dynamic conservation of ancient cities through the innovation lens of urban morphology, focusing on the analysis of dynamic concepts, innovative ideas, tools, methods and specific strategies, as well as the logical relationships hidden behind the dynamics. It is worth noting that the block scale can help to establish a more evident morphological classification index, which is helpful to put forward targeted dynamic conservation guidance and suggestions. The research results will help improve the cognition of dynamic conservation of heritage, laying the foundation for establishing a systematic theoretical system of dynamic conservation of heritage. It can also provide a basis for exploring strategies to balance heritage conservation and development and offer a new perspective for the future development of urban morphology.
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    Opening-up of extra-large blocks in China
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Wang Hanyan; Xu Kai
    The scale of urban blocks in Chinese cities is generally larger compared to that in Western. In history, amounts of space that serves daily life is offered by those space within blocks. Today, in a time when the bordering roads of these blocks are gradually occupied by motorized vehicle traffic and the plots within blocks enclose their borders, the structure of public space system is getting vague. This paper claims that there are deep-seated reasons for such this situation which needs to be analysed with typo-morphological methods. Taking Shanghai’s inner city as an example, this paper starts with identifying the BLOCK, then conducts quantitative analysis on all such areas with particular observation on their longest side length and absolute area as two respective parameters and finally concludes with statistic data characteristics of these extra-large blocks, following with selecting a number of these blocks and carrying out Conzen methods on them. The findings are: 1) Two main morphological types can be observed: single-plot block and multiple-plot block. 2) These main types can be further categorized into several sub-types. According to aforementioned typological findings, various urban regeneration strategies on each types are proposed, on basis of both morphological target and feasibility.
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    Urban verticalization morphologies: applying the anatomies of density theory in three Chilean metropolitan areas
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Vicuña Magdalena
    This work aims to visualize and analyze the anatomies of density proposed by Angel et al. (2021) in the context of verticalization in the metropolitan areas of Santiago, Valparaíso and Concepción between 2002 and 2021. As these authors suggest, cities obtain their density from different combinations of these seven factors. Our hypothesis is that the dynamic processes of verticalization in Chilean metropolitan areas are significantly reconfiguring the urban structure. To move towards more integrated and sustainable cities, it is necessary to understand in all its complexity the new spatial relationships and forms of density distribution derived from verticalization. We characterize verticalization with the data available on building permits between 2002 and 2021. To understand the territorial scope and intensity of verticalization, distribution maps of building permits are made, by year, in the three metropolitan areas. Based on the theory of the anatomies of density (Angel et al. 2021), we carried out a first density factorization on the metropolitan scale. Synthetic representations are made in three dimensions of density and three-time cuts: 2002, 2012 and 2020. Results focus on recent verticalization trends in AMS, AMV and AMC. The discussion addresses three main findings: From the center to peri-centralities: territorial expansion of verticalization, Densification Intensification and Diversified verticalization: anatomies of density at the metropolitan and municipal scale.
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    On the relationship between urban form and amenities: A new perspective from Qom (Iran)
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Venerandi Alessandro; Zamani Vahid; Porta Sergio
    Amenities are fundamental for urban life as they promote socio-economic interactions and enhance city dynamics. Previous studies investigated the relationship between metrics of street network centrality and urban amenities. However, they hardly focused on further aspects of the built environment. A further drawback is that relationships were mainly assessed through linear models even though more complex and non-linear relationships plausibly exist. In this work, we, first, comprehensively describe the urban form of our case study, the city of Qom (Iran), through a set of 55 morphometrics computed at the plot level; second, we investigate the relationship between these metrics and density of amenities, through a set of machine learning techniques that handle non-linear behaviours. The best model explains up to 45% of the variance of the density measure, with coverage ratio, plot size, floor area ratio, street canyon width, and betweenness centrality being the top five explanatory factors. While the findings of this work do not have universal value, the methodology can be replicated to explore the same research question in different contexts. It can also be used as an evidence-based tool to inform design choices in urban redevelopment affecting the location of amenities in cities.
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    Swedish and Danish typo-morphology – The historical approaches and new conceptualizations for informing urban design
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Stojanovski Todor; Kirt Strandbygaard Sofie; Maudsley Ann; Abarkan Abdellah
    Neighbourhood typologies can be used to inform city planning and urban design. This paper looks at historical approaches and new conceptualizations in Sweden and Denmark to discuss implication for urban design practices. There is a long typo-morphological tradition in Sweden, however in Denmark it is seldom used as a method of analysis. This paper starts with describing three historical Swedish typo-morphological approaches. The first is historic-architectural emphasizes architectural styles. The second focuses on classifying neighbourhood types by physical attributes. The third argues that the Swedish neighbourhood typology describes not only physical form but also social structure. The Danish application of neighbourhood types is more generic and made with the purpose of comparing numeric data with urban planning tendencies. It considers three major morphological urban structures and uses them to make combinations, as most neighbourhoods are hybrids of types. This paper discusses differences between well-established Swedish neighbourhood typology versus the Danish generic typology and concludes with implication for urban design practices and designing Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs). Practicing architects and urban designers can apply morphological research and both detailed or generic local neighbourhood typologies can be very useful conceptualizations.
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    Fringe Belt Phenomenon in Chinese metropolis: A Case Study of Guangzhou
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Siliang He; Yinsheng Tian
    Fringe belts are preserved zones formed fromthe former marginal area embedded in the city centre during the process of urban development, which has historical and cultural value, ecological value and recreational value. Guangzhou is the central city in South China with dense river system. In modern era, the ancient city wall was demolished and roads were built on the wall base. The Pearl River waterway and the demolished city walls had a persistent influence on the formation and layout of the fringe belts, which made the formation and evolution course of Guangzhou fringe belts different from other cities. The article divides the formation and transformation period of the fringe belts, analyses the morphological characteristics and evolution mechanism of fringe belts in these stages, and interprets the urbanization and reorganization process of Guangzhou on a new level.
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    The Concept of the Urban Palimpsest. The Urban Fabric Transformations in Inherited City image
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Sarihan Elif
    Transformations and spatial patterns of physical forms are the basis of urban morphological studies to understand and interpret the process-based – multi-layered – transitions, transformations and spatial patterns of physical components. The concept of palimpsest explains the continuous construction over time (historical stratification), but the scale of urban palimpsest is more than that. The research points out the pragmatic nature of the urban fabric and aims to examine the relationship between the fundamental types of transformations and their distinctive forces. Thus, in the current study, the structure of historical layering analysis includes elaborating the proposed palimpsest concept via comparison/overlapping historic maps of urban fabric types. The layers of inherited city image can experience through the combination of different urban morphological approaches. Via the combination of historico-geographical, typo-morphological, and configurational approaches of urban morphology, the layering analysis will be established. The purpose of the current paper is to demonstrate the urban palimpsest concept and make a proof of the concept in the urban conservation sites of Istanbul.
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    Jerusalem beyond the walls
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Rociola Francesco Giuseppe
    In Jerusalem two parts coexist critically: the Old City, a historical-symbolic palimpsest always affected by traumatic transformations and the new neighborhoods outside the walls. The Old City, from the 20th Century, lives the dual condition of being a city-museum and a place of ethnic-religious conflict at the same time, while the new districts isolate the walled city with a fragmented ring in which planned Israelis neighborhoods and those spontaneous Palestinians are opposed, wedged between sacred areas. Today this condition defines a historical heritage in which places full of memories are confronted with a contradictory and mostly degraded urban context. The aim of the paper is to analyze the area that separates the Old City from the ‘new city’, along the Kidron valley. The conflict between the monumental and landscape palimpsest and the degradation characterizing this unique place is the basis of the discussion which wants to reflect on the possibility of introjecting the problematic reality of the transformations that in recent decades have partly obscured the legibility of the monumental polycentric landscape of Jerusalem. Attempting to reveal some critical issues that hopefully will be useful for the debate involving the relationship between ‘contemporary’ and ‘ancient’, understood as ‘active’ conservation of urban cultural heritage, i.e. protection inside a dynamic of mutations. Moreover, the research will contribute to deepen the interpretation of urban phenomena in contexts in which a symbolic stratified tissue is confronted with incoherent and traumatic urban process, typical of areas of conflict.