Wydawnictwa Uczelniane / TUL Press

Stały URI zbioruhttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/17


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  • Pozycja
    Interpreting urban voids as the morphological reading tool of Historic Urban Landscape: The case study of former British concession in Tientsin
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Zhao Dongqi; Pezzetti Laura
    Following the extended cognition of historical urban landscape, former concession areas are considered particular zones with certain historic and artistic values and undergo a tremendous conservative change. Current economic service-oriented transformation raised the issue of environmental rupture, gentrification and the decline of landscape diversity. Giving a glance at the variety of urban voids, this study analyses the neglected formation process of parks, boulevards, plazas as well as the Hang-Dao, and their morphological characteristic through history, integrates them into the general urban construction process meanwhile clarifies their dominating role in historic urban landscape image. Take the whole British concession area of Tientsin in modern time as the target, use historic maps as a discussion base, superimpose historical images and textual information to sort out continuous evolution and formative identities of urban voids. The results reflect in synthesis diagrams of urban void system which are constituted by a dominated crossing-axis and a hierarchical layering grid pattern in two morphological regions. These formative schemes could be further elaborated into conservation planning strategies for historical urban landscape.
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    Historic structure and cultural consciousness: The space regeneration of Jinling Machinery Manufacturing Bureau, China
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Xiong Xiangrui; Wang Yanhui; Sabaté-Bel Joaquín
    Different forms of historic structures within the city show diverse cultural and social factors that not only shape the urban personality, but also construct the complexity of historical and modern spaces. Therefore, as far as urban renewal is concerned, on the one hand, it is essential to protect historic structures to stimulate cultural consciousness of spatial intervention in order to preserve the urban personality and on the other hand, it is necessary to reuse historic structures to keep the possibilities of a continuous dialogue between the past, the present and the future of the city. Through the methods of historical analysis and empirical research, this paper takes the renewal of Jinling Machinery Manufacturing Bureau (JMMB), the modern industrial site, as a case to analyze the relationship between historic structures, cultural consciousness and urban development on two scales -urban areas and plot. The research shows that: 1) the continuation of a stable historic structure is the key to maintain cultural identity in the process of space regeneration; 2) the historic structure contains tangible space forms and historical narrative logic; 3) the cultural consciousness determines the value orientation of space regeneration; and 4) the new functions match culture themes that can promote social values of space regeneration.
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    From a Historic Place to a Sharing Campus: Case Study of the Santa Teresa Campus of the University of Florence
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Wang Yanchu
    The Santa Teresa Campus of the University of Florence has undergone a huge transformation from a 17th century convent, to the prison of the 19th and 20th centuries, and then to a 21st century university campus. Over four centuries, the form has evolved from closed to open. With the help of literature survey, field research and typological analysis of urban form, this paper analyzes the renovation strategies from three aspects. From the perspective of an open educational space, the case transforms the original internal communication space into an exhibition space open to the city. From the perspective of perceptible history, the case preserves the historic space structure and allows important historical elements to be easily seen and touched. From the perspective of the revival of the historic city, the case has become an important node of the revival by building connections of functions and activities with surrounding places. Finally, this paper summarizes three design strategies and four social conditions required for the transition from enclosed to shared urban form, making contributions to future practice. This paper is subsidized by the NSFC project named , NO.51978468.
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    Think outside the box. Towards new transient morphologies: The case of post - emergency housing
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Vannelli Giovangiuseppe
    This paper explores the theme of the early recovery following catastrophic seismic phenomena in relation to the reconstruction, this in order to demonstrate the possible role of architectural design and urban morphology. Particularly, the study focuses on housing provision, for which the Civil Protection Department is responsible in Italy. Following a comparative analysis of international case studies, Italian case studies and settlements built during both earthquakes of 2009 (L’Aquila) and 2016 (Central Italy), the advanced proposal of an ‘open, open-source, minor and time-varying processual project’ is the theoretical background on which the developed design prototype is rooted. The architectural design is here intended, on the one hand, as enabler for transient urban forms and, on the other, as a research tool within a simulation phase developed to highlight the need for a time-based design. The ‘box effect’ is highlighted as the most sensitive design feature of these housing projects. The relationship between the individual unit and the urban system is brought into focus. To avoid the risk of post-earthquake reconstruction, it is therefore stated as necessary to ‘think outside the box’.
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    Reading and understanding built environments in Quebec (Canada): Urban morphology at the service of a sustainable urban design approach
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Racine François
    This paper is aimed to present a book about the physical and spatial organization of villages, cities, and agglomerations of the territory of the province of Quebec, located in Canada. It will be of particular interest to people who intervene, exercise a professional practice or study in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, urban geography, heritage, and urban design. In addition to presenting the key notions of urban morphology opening the way to an in-depth understanding of the mode of structuring of human settlements, the book explains and applies, with the help of several case studies, the methods of analysis of this field of research to read and characterize the built environments of Quebec. Finally, examples show how morphological knowledge can be operationalized in intervention strategies and urban design projects at multiple scales. At a time when the crisis of climate change urges us to deeply rethink our ways of inhabiting and practicing the territory, it is essential to better understand the product of our collective experience in these matters. Why not draw useful lessons from this to feed the work of planning, design and management of the quality and integrity of our built environment?
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    On Streets. Streets as an Element of Urban Fabric
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Psenner Angelika; Tobisch Susanne
    Scientists and practitioners alike use the term public space when referring to squares, plazas, markets or parks; less often it is used in connection with streets, although streets and roads occupy the biggest share of un-built urban space. It is not only the sheer amount that makes streets the most important sphere for an urban society, but streets also represent a continuous and all-accessible spatial construct, a network that spans the entire city. Our paper provides an in-depth review of selected historical literature that focuses on streets as public space in densely built-up areas; with the aim of developing an understanding of the on-time academic discussion around the requirements and nature of these streets. This should help us to recognise the genesis of our existing urban structures and in particular of the secondary streets. In the second part, following the previously elaborated findings, we strive to identify existing and potential qualities of those street spaces; whereby it is important for us to leave the usual intra-disciplinary connotations and to read street as an inherent part of the systemic urban parterre. By examining cross-cutting issues that are mostly underrepresented in discipline-specific discourse, the ultimate goal is to achieve a better understanding of one of the most fundamental determinants of a city's quality of life: the actual spatial and functional quality of secondary streets.
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    A piazza for Pedavena in the Belluno Dolomites: Towards recognition of an urban identity
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Pietrogrande Enrico; Dalla Caneva Alessandro
    The town of Pedavena is situated in the Province of Belluno not far from Venice and its redevelopment of the urban space of the piazza has been a particular subject of reflection by the local authority. The town of Pedavena was studied by a research group from the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at the University of Padua. Today the urban form of this small provincial Commune is the result of the fragmentary growth of the residential urban fabric that is arranged around a more or less compact central nucleus. The meeting space of the community is presented as a place unresolved in its form, lacking precise and definable limits and crossed by the main transit routes. The streets assume the centrality and significance that has to be given to a piazza as a place to be, stay and live. The planning experience of the research group is a valid example of designing liveable civil place by interpreting the city as a unitary fact where the piazza is a place with a clear and distinct form according to an idea of the city made of interconnected spaces, each one formally different but related in rich meaningful spatial sequences possessing the civil character of the urbs.
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    Evolution and transformation processes of urban form: Urban tissues in Thessaloniki, Greece
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Oikonomou Maria; Christodoulou Charis
    This ongoing study aims at the articulation and documentation of a morphological codification of urban tissues in Greek cities. The aims of the paper are, firstly, to analyze the dynamic processes of production, evolution and transformation of urban form and, secondly, to investigate physical and lived urban fabrics. The paper proposes an integrated methodology of morphological analysis on macro-, intermediate and micro scale which is applied to two representative areas in the historic city of Thessaloniki. Several approaches from different morphological perspectives (historico-geographical, process-typological and relational-material) are employed in each level of analysis. The proposed method of inquiry could be used in urban analysis in two ways: for urban investigations of urban form and as a tool for preparing urban design projects and interventions.
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    Importance of medieval urban tissue in the contemporary realities of a rural commune in the Polish Subcarpathia. Cases of Dębowiec, Jaśliska and Osiek Jasielski
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Martyka Anna; Jopek Dorota
    This study explores historical heritage in the contemporary development processes of small settlement units. The analyses are conducted in the context of contemporary threats, such as unfavorable demographic, spatial, and economic changes. The main aim of this work is to determine the potential of historical spatial structures in regaining previously lost identity. Another objective is to develop the design and programmatic guidelines to carry out an effective spatial policy. The research procedure consists of several stages. The first stage of the study outlines the evolution of three selected examples of historical urban structures in terms of spatial and functional features. The second stage consists of conducting urban and morphological analyses of the investigated spaces and comparing them in terms of social, economic and spatial aspects. Finally, the conclusions are formulated in the third stage. The key finding is that urban tissue, as an element of local identity, can become an essential part of the development strategy of a given town and region. Furthermore, the findings indicate a close correlation with the directions of regional development based on the assumption of creating a polycentric network of territorial units as generators of social and economic development.
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    Towards an urban mereology: A generic framework for urban part-whole relationships
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2023) Marshall Stephen
    Part-whole relationships pervade urban morphology and the design disciplines, as they are manifest in both analyses of existing form and as ‘building blocks’ for creating future urban form. Yet these part–whole relations are often left implicit, or else if explicit, they may be inconsistent or not necessarily compatible with each other. Different traditions have grown up for both urban morphology and urban design. This paper sets out to scrutinise the nature of part-whole relations across different urban cases and contexts, to create a generic framework for application to urban morphology and urban design. After an introduction and discussion of the topic of mereology – the study of part-whole and part-part relations – the paper develops a generic framework for mereological relations suitable for application to the urban domain, illustrated with examples. Conclusions are drawn on the prospect for an urban mereology that would support both urban morphology and urban design.