Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska / Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering / W6

Stały URI zbioruhttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/6


Wyniki wyszukiwania

Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 3 z 3
  • Pozycja
    Probabilistic Analysis of the 6061 Aluminium Alloy Tensile Test with Random Initial Microdefects
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2021) Strąkowski, M.; Kamiński, M.
    The main aim of this paper was to investigate an application of the generalized higher order iterative generalized stochastic perturbation technique in numerical simulation of 6061 aluminum alloy plastic behavior with structural initial microdefects. Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman constitutive porous material model implemented in ABAQUS system has been employed for this purpose with its 2D triangular and quadrilateral elements. A volume fraction f0 of the initial microdefects naturally appearing in the material has been adopted as the input random variable having symmetric but not necessary Gaussian distribution. A verification of its uncertainty influence on statistical scattering of material specimen deformations, stresses and void volume fractions has been carried out thanks to the common usage of the FEM system ABAQUS and computer algebra system MAPLE 2019. The 10th order Iterative Stochastic Perturbation Technique has been compared with Monte Carlo Simulations and Semi-Analytical Method to analyze uncertainty in extreme stresses and deformations within the tensioned material coupon.
  • Pozycja
    Random Response of Steel Hall Subjected to the Dynamic Excitation by the Generalized Iterative Stochastic Perturbation Technique
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2021) Bredow, R.; Kamiński, M.
    This work aims to analyze the random response of steel halls subjected to dynamic wind excitation. The investigated object has recently been erected in central Poland and its mathematical model has been created in Abaqus 2017 software. The model includes the warp of beam elements involved in the structure which adds additional value to this work. Dynamic analysis has been performed with the Hilber- Hughes-Taylor algorithm and recovered responses undergo further approximation in polynomial form for probabilistic analysis. Several uncertainties of mechanical and environmental nature are investigated. Generalized Iterative Stochastic Perturbation Technique has been contrasted with Monte Carlo Simulations and Semi-Analytical Approach. Conclusions from this comparison are discussed in this paper.
  • Pozycja
    Comparison of the Aluminium Versus Steel Telecommunication Towers in Stochastic Finite Element Method Eigenvibrations Analysis
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej ; Katedra Dynamiki Maszyn - Wydział Mechaniczny Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2011) Solecka, Marta; Kamiński, Marcin; Szafran, Jacek
    The main aim of this paper is to make a comparison of the eigenfrequencies of the high telecommunication towers alternatively manufactured using the stainless steel and the aluminium components. It is provided each time assuming that the Young modulus of the applied material· is the Gaussian input random variable and using the generalized stochastic perturbation method using the global version of the Response Function Method. Up to the fourth order probabilistic moments and characteristics are computed in the three dimensional Finite Element Method model of the tower composed from the continuous linear elastic edge beams spanned by the large number of the linear elastic bars. A computational part of the work is made using the hybrid usage of the computer algebra system MAPLE and the FEM engineering package ROBOT used widely in the civil engineering practice.