Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska / Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering / W6

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  • Pozycja
    Rewitalizacja Lądka Zdroju, miasta przyjaznego dla każdego?
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2016) Szymański, Przemysław, R.
    There is Marienbad, Thermal Spa of St. Wojciech, the symbol of Lower Silesia and Polish Spa & Wellness in the middle of Lądek Zdrój. There are many valuable buildings and structures built over seven centuries on the city plan located in the Middle Ages in Lądek. The spatial structure of the city is extremely clear and the city is divided on urban and spa parts. The division is underlined by a road bridge crossing the valley of the Biała Lądecka River, which separates the Town and the Spa. The spa is considered together with Cieplice the oldest in the Poland, and the number of historic buildings in Lądek Zdrój is significant. Despite many advantages and attractions Lądek is experiencing an economical and architectural decline. As a result of economic changes Lądek Spa experienced a sharp fall in the number of patients. Buildings formerly occupied by the Red Army and the Employee Holiday Fund stand empty and unused or fall into disrepair. Lądek seems to be one of the victims of the free market and speculation in real estate. There are some renovations and modernization due to the EU Structural Finds, since accession of Poland to the EU. Old Market area, together with tenement houses were renovated. One year ago the revalorization of Spa Park was finished. It seems that during the renovation of the Old Market area the programme of the area was omitted, as there are many empty former shops, partly due to the opening of two new supermarkets. Thus despite renovation of architecture the Old Town remains unattractive for patients and tourists. There is a need of big urban or architectural project which could commence the process of sustainable revitalisation and restore the former glory of the oldest polish resort. In San Pellegrini Terme Dominique Perrault designed the complex of the new Thermae, which will be opened in 2015, during the World Expo in Milan. The complex consisting of thermal pools, shopping gallery retail, seven-star hotel and casino, has been conceived as an instrument for the revitalization of the old Italian resort. A similar task was posed earlier before Peter Zumthor in Vals.
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    Technologie informacyjne wspierające zarządzanie dziedzictwem w Polsce na przykładzie działalności KOBiDZ (NID)
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Kępczyńska-Walczak, Anetta
    Revitalization of urban areas is related to the activities in the historical urban complexes, often of high cultural value. Their identities are determined by a number of closely related components, from planning, through typologically diverse buildings, to the fittings and street furniture. In the process of revitalization it is easy to tilt the balance, which is the result of a long period of adjustments. The quest for a compromise between socially necessary changes and heritage protection as a consequence implies the need for effective management of cultural heritage resources. This chapter is a contribution to the discussion on the efficiency of the management of cultural heritage in Poland and the role of modern information technologies. It is based on the experiences of the author, who in 2008-2010 served as the representative of the Director of the National Heritage Board for the implementation of the National Database of Monuments. In addition, in 2009, she was co-author of “Strategy of digitization of cultural goods and the collection, storage and sharing of digital objects in Poland 2009- 2020”, prepared in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
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    Transformacja funkcjonalna zachodniej części regionu łódzkiego. Rozwój pasma turystycznouzdrowiskowego: stan i perspektywy
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Cieślak, Adriana, B.
    Healing thermal waters are becoming an important development factor of the Łódź region. The precursor of activities aimed at development of a health resort function is Uniejów, the town, which in no time has become a thermal spa widely recognized in the country. The creation of the spa in Uniejów has also initiated an intensive development of health tourism in a regional scale. Intensive activities cover especially the western part of the region, which is reflected in the formation of a tourist-spa zone as well as the implementation of the Central Tourist Arc project. The article focuses on issues related to the dynamics of the functional and spatial changes in Uniejów and its surroundings. The essence of the research is a preliminary evaluation of transformations with special focus on the cultural landscape of the town. In a regional scale, the direction and nature of the transition associated with the activation of the health resort function were analyzed and evaluated. The essence of the study is to assess the potential and the risks of the changes. The effect of the works is an attempt to create general demands in terms of space and cultural resources management, in case of the development of a new health resort product.
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    Jak budować bezpieczne miasta? Bezpieczeństwo mieszkańców a przestrzeń miejska – na przykładzie rewitalizacji centrum Newcastle
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Grabski, Lech
    Public security is one of the important issues of contemporary cities. The lack of urban security is manifested in several problems: the real risk of crime, but also antisocial behaviours and fear of being victimized. Public security can be achieved by different approaches. This paper focuses on the environmental factors that can affect criminal acts. The city centre of Newcastle underwent a restoration program that included the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. The strategy aimed to: create urban vitality, provide mixed use and adapt proper maintenance and surveillance in the district. The results of this implementation were positive, the district is currently a high quality safe environment. Visitor numbers are growing, with hotels approaching capacity. Statistics bear this out, overall crime has fallen by 25%. The economic measures were also improved. This shows how profitable it is to integrate crime prevention program with urban restoration projects.
  • Pozycja
    Jak społeczność lokalna pod wpływem polityki regionalnej wykorzystała dziedzictwo – na przykładzie „Żywego Skansenu – Centrum Folkloru Polskiego w Nagawkach”
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Andrzejczak, Barbara
    Revitalization should be a process with the effect of restoring an area to live and re-use and improving quality of life. Revitalization should be seen also as a way to protect heritage. The development of the theory of heritage has caused changing in thinking about the heritage that is understood today as a memory, choice and identity. The term heritage mean an everything that modern man has chosen from the past, that they created themselves for the purposes of the present day or to pass to future generations. Monuments are used in today’s world mainly for tourism. And that is acceptable way of earn money to provide maintenance and preservation of the monuments. To make the object more attractive for the viewers, owners often adapt monuments for the new functions, other than the original, which is interfering in authenticity of monuments. In my believe authenticity may be associated not only with the material and substance, but also the use and function, traditions and techniques, location and environment, and with the spirit and feelings to the object. An example of using the heritage by the local community with the help of local authorities that I’m presenting is the “Alive Open-Air Museum – Centre of Polish Folklore”, located ap. 30 km from the Łódź, 120 km from the Warsaw. The buildings that are in the museum were “unwanted” or inconvenient to the local governments. The main idea was to use this objects, and do not create another museum exhibition. And so it happened. This place offer you a wide range of services: accommodation, catering, banquets and special events, horse riding school, education and training centre and workshops. The project is still in progress, so they haven’t finished the construction yet. In open-air museum there are: wooden manor house from 19/20th century – translocated from Grodzisk (Dmosin), currently used as a Conference and Banquet Centre; in wooden cottage from 18/19th century from Brzeziny there is Cafeteria and Tearoom; in 20th century weaver’s house translocated from Zgierz there are two apartments on the first floor and restaurant on the ground floor; a historic cottage from Dobroń was saved from devastation, now it is a central kitchen which handles all receptions and events and also provides catering; in a former Mariavite Presbytery from the early 20th century there is management centre and in a reconstructed church originally combined with presbytery is a winter concert hall. There are also new buildings: stable with hotel rooms, amphitheatre which architecture has been entered into the natural lay of the land and pool’s complex with sauna. Recently was built lodge and wedding hall, which will support even more events. There are also plans to restore the 17th century church, in which, for example you will be able to get married or baptize a child. The project was realized with the help of EU funding under Regional Operational Programme of the Łódź Region for the years 2007-2013, Priority Axis III: Economy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Action III.5: tourism and recreation infrastructure. The total value of the project was 25 million PLN and the amount of grant from ROP was 10 million PLN. This place is really an amusement park, which was a really big commercial success. In my opinion this is not a good example of a new system of heritage protection because the commercial aspect of the complex of buildings has become more important than the cultural and educational function open-air museum.
  • Pozycja
    Łódź obiecana... Czy tylko żart futurystyczny?
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Fołtarz, Adam
    Theoretical model of contemporary city of postindustrial epoch today and anticipated in close and further perspective of future, must be based on culture model and its substantial element. In consequence this potential must be used in each individual case ascity creatingenergy. In analyses, forecasts and area development plans and strategies of its development, city of Łódź as a result of negligence in sphere of investment and revitalization as well as lack of rational concepts of development, became a subject of pro tempore strategies, actions and seasonal visions of its own future. At present pop culture reality constitutes dingy background for still current content and ideas promoted by Łódź and Polish art and architecture avant-garde of the 1930s constructivism. These ideas arestill being up-dated and their spectrum expanded by European neo-avant-garde, and that is evidence oftheir culture creating ambitionsin the context of culture treated holistically. This problem nowadays touches upon symbiosis of it with nature and a human in relation with space. Degradation of urban building stockand dehumanization of surroundinggo on. Ideas of a city – garden preserving today its cultural identity need to be recalled from the history of the 19thcenturyŁódź. This aspect is subject toscrutiny and attempts to define urban spaceagain and is to be found among the othersin the curriculum of Landscape Design team in Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning of Technical University of Łódź.
  • Pozycja
    Wielkogabarytowy handel śródmiejski – zaleta czy wada?
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Wesołowski, Jacek
    The existence of great capacity retail complexes in the city centres (or at their edges) is usually perceived as a lethal competition to traditional commerce. It may be argued on the contrary, that on longer term they can essentially contribute to the vitality of old shopping streets, providing users of larger choice in environments many of them expect. The interlaced activities of old and new are based on the principle of synergy, provided that there exist direct spatial links between both. Dramatic decrease of shopping role of Piotrkowska Street in Lodz which took place in the last decade, can be treated as evidence for the evil effects of lack of inner city retail development, while the fate of Newcastle’s Grainger Town – as proof that the sole existence of new shopping complexes may not be sufficient in reversing the process of decay. Yet big scale shopping developments have been built in most European cities of various size and cultural background. To great extent their formula of existence is based on forms of “sustainable mobility”, such as good public transport and city centre pedestrian zones, hence they can hardly be compared with peripheral shopping malls, the key features of the modernist ‘anti-city’, but rather of classic shopping arcades of department stores. In some cases (Liverpool) they are perceived as key factors to restore vitality and importance to inner cities and key landmarks of the new architectural form (Frankfurt/ Main, Erfurt). The overall success in ‘domesticating the monster of the 20th century urban life’ is a meaningful feature of the sustainability of the well governed European city. It is highly regrettable the chance of retrofitting the Piotrkowska Street in Lodz with modern shopping complex is about to be lost, due to unsympathetic design of new regional railway infrastructure, which is more likely to contribute the peripheral retail development rather than the traditional shopping the historic core of the city. This may petrify the inner city economic weakness and render the regeneration process appear unsuccessful.
  • Pozycja
    Lokalny Program Rewitalizacji. Adaptacje zabudowy pofabrycznej w centrum Łodzi
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Krzysztofik, Sylwia
    Łódź is city where the collapse of the textile industry caused galloping unemployment. Better off residents tend to isolate themselves from less affluent social groups – in city centres the formed poverty enclaves. Next step was expanding urbanized area over the areas around the city and the outflow of better-off residents from the city centre to the suburbs. Lack of investment in the centre entailed gradual degradation - buildings have very bad technical condition, problem is also low intensity of inner urban areas and the demolition of entire quarters. Revitalization downtown area is one of main creating an urban policy. In Łódź in July 2004 was adopted „Simplified local revitalization program for selected areas of downtown in Łódź for the years 2004-2013”, called Local Revitalization Program. It is document describing the development strategy for the city, in which central area of Łódź has been recognized as area with the highest concentration of spatial and social problems. This document describes the necessary action, which may lead to the development and improvement of the image of the city and allow the municipal government and other entities to apply for EU funds for investments revitalization. Particularly important for the preservation of the identity of Łódź are investment activities in the post-industrial areas. In the design of the pilot program provided for three projects on building components post-industrial. In the centre of Łódź there are post-industrial areas, abandoned and subjected to gradual degradation. The way to activate them is micro-interventions – initiatives aimed at space recovery and adaptation of buildings to the needs of new users within a short time with the involvement of a small budget. These processes are spontaneous or result from a deliberate desire to create a new space. One of the ways to take advantage of such objects may be their adaptation on a temporary basis by introducing new features. Large areas can be treated as an asset and adapted by new users, if certain imperfections of the location are accepted. Micro-initiatives may be consistent with the spatial policy of the city and support the planned direction of changes in urban spaces. These are changes that do not require the involvement of a large budget. A great advantage of micro-initiatives is that it does not take a long time to put the idea into practice and there is a possibility of rapid temporary uses in changing conditions. Places that undergo these changes are discovered by the residents anew and are seen by them in a different light. Urban acupuncture gives perceptible effect with the available resources reached in a very short time.
  • Pozycja
    Adaptacje fabryki Franciszka Ramischa w Łodzi na OFF Piotrkowska – moda czy fenomen?
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Pietrzykowska, Justyna
    The article is an attempt to address the question of character and reason in the adaptation of the post-industrial factory complex built by Franciszek Ramisch to OFF Piotrkowska in Lodz. Is it an intuitive action and general tendency or does it deserve to be called a phenomenon? Referring to foreign examples of similar adaptations presented in this study, the Lodz case seems to fit into the common trend, but retains its distinctness because it vividly reflects the post-industrial city of Lodz.
  • Pozycja
    Rewitalizacja jako tworzenie środowiska dla inwestycji sektora prywatnego – centrum Tomaszowa Mazowieckiego
    (Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Szymański, Przemysław, R.
    The rise and development of Tomaszow Mazowiecki was connected with the Industrial Revolution. The city name derived from the name of count’s Antoni Ostrowski father Tomasz Ostrowski. Tomaszow used to be an important industrial centre of textile, engineering, metal and leather industries. After 1989 the decline of industry and the city commenced. In 2008 the Revitalization of the City Core of Tomaszow Mazowiecki was enlisted by the Marshal Office of Łódź Province to the group of project of crucial importance for Łódź Region. The objective of the revitalization was to create the spatial environment for the projects of private sector.