Książki, monografie, podręczniki, rozdziały (WOiZ)
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Pozycja Konkurencyjność pracowników spoza Unii Europejskiej na polskim rynku pracy(Wydawnictwo Media Press, 2008) Jędrych, Elżbieta; Klimek, DariuszThe subject of deliberation is a role of Ukrainian workers on the Polish market, in the aspect competitiveness' s of employing them. The appraisal of competitiveness was done on the basis of research results, carried out since September 2007 to March 2008 at several Ukrainian job agencies specializing in recruitment abroad.Pozycja Zarządzanie wiedzą personalną w organizacji(Wydawnictwo Media Press, 2008) Jędrych, ElżbietaPersonal Knowledge Management (PKM) is necessary to any company which aims to survive and successfully compete on the market. It is the base of changes in personal function changes. Organizational HRM stays in challenge of changes both in surround environment and inside of today's organizations. It is strongly necessary to dispose of knowledge and skills on the field of collection, diffusion as well as storage of Personal Knowledge to fulfill those needs. Those skills are necessary for Personal Division and other units responsible for HRM in organization.Pozycja Personnel innovations management in the organization(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2008) Jędrych, Elżbieta; Miller, Małgorzata; Scientific Editor of the Division : Lewandowski, Jerzy; Baranowski, Krzysztof; Dobbie, MartinThe personnel functions describe the entirety of matters and activities connected with the functioning of people in the organization. It includes the processes and activities with executive, consulting and regulating character. In the literature and in practice in order to characterize personnel activities (the way of realizing this function) different terminology is used: the management ( administrating, leading) staff, the human resources management (the potention of labor, the social potentia!), the management of human capital (for more details see: Król 2002, p. 1-3). The shape of the personnel function in the organization is the result of interna! factors such as: strategy, structure, the culture of organization, and extemal factors connected with the environment itself in which the organization operates. The modem concept of management in the field of personnel function is the human resources management. (HRM), in which human resources management is treated as an element of assets and the source of competitiveness. The human resources management is in fact a special philosophy based on the conviction that in order to defeat the rivals, the organization must first of all invest in people. One postulates the strategie integration of personnel matters with business matters, the active role of line management in solving personal matters and treating the engagement of staff members as a tool to achieve goals (Pocztowski, 2003, p. 37). The changes in the environment and in the organization itself gave a qualitatively new meaning to the personnel function, a lot of previous rules and the procedures of realization lost its sense and need to be altered. The traditional personal tasks are being changed towards being human resources based on values connected with the development of intellectual capital. The system of HRM is evaluating towards the model of creation the networks of values for the major players in the organization. The pace and the scale of adjustment of personnel function to the new reality will be increasing. In order to cope with new challenges people dealing with HRM must radically redefine their organizational role and aim at being leaders in the creation of values. The activities of staff specialists must be forwarded toward the creation of values stimulating the inflow of personnel innovation and quick flow inside the organization. The competence in meaning of HRM decides about the competence in getting and using modem technologies in the process of using the staff knowledge in the creation of organization values. Introducing the innovative techniques and methods to attract, recruit, train and keep the best staff can have influence on the market success of the organization (Reed 2002, p. 14). At the same time the personnel function is a special field of introduction of innovations that raise resistance and lack of confidence more than in different fields of the organization activities. This process is characterized by a lot of weaknesses and barriers which acknowledgement is as a reserve of progress. The aim of this book is to show the ways of steering the process of implementing personnel innovations at the different levels of the management of the organization.