Foreign economic activity of enterprises. Textbook
Tytuł czasopisma
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Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology. Press
Lodz University of Technology. Press
[...] In the proposed textbook the methodical bases of organization and planning of
foreign economic activity of transport enterprises with disclosure of its specific
features, considering international norms and traditions of cooperation, are presented.
Relying on the disclosure of legal possibilities of realization of types of foreign
economic activity, the essence of the procedures of their organization, the features of
contractual activities in the organization of trade cooperation with foreign
counterparties and the main content of the stages related to the performance of
contractual obligations are revealed. The authors emphasized specific details of the
sequence of actions in the organization of foreign trade operations and their
implementation, which will ensure logical consistency and systematic presentation
of the material and promote full understanding the material.
The textbook aims to give the reader theoretical knowledge and practical skills
in organizing foreign trade activities by transport enterprises.
Słowa kluczowe
zagraniczna działalność gospodarcza, wolny handel, polityka celna, negocjacje biznesowe, proces negocjacji, wsparcie transportu, polityka cen, ryzyko w zagranicznej aktywności gospodarczej, foreign economic activity, free trade, customs policy, business negotiations, negotiation proces, transportation support, price policy, risks in foreign economic activity
Stankiewicz-Mróz A., Perederii V., Novak V., Ilienko O., Kyrylenko O., Gurina G., Razumova K., Danilova E., Petrovska S., Lytvynenko L., Foreign economic activity of enterprises. Textbook., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2018, ISBN 978-83-7283-939-8.