Isochronal 3D-station realm model and Multi-data based urban renovation strategies in TOD development – a case in Heifei, China
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Lodz University of Technology Press
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
With the development of TOD in China, the TOD based urban planning is becoming one of the most important layer during the comprehensive urban design and development. To increase the value of existing urban land effectively by increasing the flow of people and integrate the scattered and inefficient land for future efficient usage, it gradually formed the strategies of transit oriented urban renewal and development. With the support of multi-dimensional data, this study takes Hefei Feixi Station as an example to introduce urban renovation strategies based on 3D-station realm layer data, Redundancy data, Accessibility data and integration data.
Słowa kluczowe
TOD, 3D-station realm, urban renovation, multi-data, obszar stacji 3D, renowacja miast, wiele danych
Zhu Yuan, Wang Hao., Isochronal 3D-station realm model and Multi-data based urban renovation strategies in TOD development – a case in Heifei, China. W: XXIX International Seminar on Urban Form. ISUF 2022 Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation. A Multidisciplinary Perspective. 6th June – 11th September 2022, Łódź–Kraków, Kantarek A.A. (Ed.), Hanzl M. (Ed.), Figlus T. (Ed.), Musiaka Ł. (Ed.)., Lodz University of Technology Conference Proceedings No. 2554, Lodz University of Technology Press, Lodz 2023, p. 2046-2054, ISBN 978-83-67934-03-9, DOI: 10.34658/9788367934039.167.