Damping behaviour of thin-walled composite columns under impact in-plane loading
Tytuł czasopisma
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Tytuł tomu
Politechnika Łódzka. Katedra Wytrzymałości Materiałów i Konstrukcji.
In this paper the analysis of the damping behaviour of thin-walled composite columns with open stiffened cross-sections subjected to in-plane pulse loading is described. The pulse loading of a rectangular shape is concerned. The discussed problem of the dynamic interactive buckling is solved by the analytical-numerical method (ANM) using the Koiter’s perturbations method. A critical value of the dynamic load factors is determined according to the Budiansky-Hutchinson’s criterion for different value of the viscous damping ratio. The detailed calculations confirm that small damping does not affect the dynamic response of the thin-walled composite columns under the impact in-plane loading.
Słowa kluczowe
cienkościenne koolumny, dynamiczne interaktywne wyboczenie, metoda analityczno-numeryczna, obciążenie dynamiczne
Stability of Structures. XIII-th Symposium. Zakopane, September, 17-21, 2012. Proceedings, pages 337-346