Funkcja personalna w zmieniającej się organizacji : diagnoza i perspektywy : praca zbiorowa
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Media Press
Answering to organizational environment changes the importance of the
ability of manage people grows must lead to workers competencies
development, inspiring them to entrepreneurship and creating involvement.
Managers meet the new way of thinking about people management and close
relations between company development and personal policy.
In management skill development scientific reports are very helpful. Those
reports deliver knowledge allowing positive changes in HRM implementation
and personal policy optimization, considering direction and speed of changes.
The present monograph will be helpful in this scope, probably. Authors of its
subsequent chapters are trying to describe and solve problems taken from
various points of view, seeking imaginative for the appropriate knowledge.
The book leads to manager's deeper understanding and the assessment of
practical solutions to lean them towards replacing worse conceptions with better
ones or modify them suitably for new knowledge.
Słowa kluczowe
personel - kierowanie, kadry wyższe, staff - management, senior staff
Jędrych E. (red.), Stankiewicz-Mróz A. (red.), Pietras A. (red.), Funkcja personalna w zmieniającej się organizacji : diagnoza i perspektywy : praca zbiorowa., Wydawnictwo Media Press, Łódź 2008, ISBN 978-83-61215-06-6.