Innowacyjność jako czynnik podnoszenia konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw i regionów na jednolitym rynku europejskim : praca zbiorowa
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology
Lodz University of Technology
[...] Niniejsza monografia stanowi kolejną publikację przygotowaną w Katedrze
Integracji Europejskiej i Marketingu Międzynarodowego Politechniki Łódzkiej,
poświęconą zagadnieniom funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw na Jednolitym Rynku
Europejskim (w szczególności sektora MSP). W tym roku tematyką ujętą
w ramy tego wydawnictwa stała się innowacyjność, z uwagi na swoje znaczenie
w procesie podnoszenia szeroko rozumianej konkurencyjności gospodarek
krajów członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Aktualność problematyki przyczyniła
się do dużego zainteresowania nią wielu ośrodków naukowych w Polsce.
Efektem ich zaangażowania jest ta monografia. Wyrażamy nadzieję, że przyczyni
się ona do pogłębienia wiedzy z zakresu innowacyjności oraz stanie się
przyczynkiem do dalszej analizy ujętego w niej problemu, i to zarówno wśród
naukowców, jak i praktyków.
Z uwagi na zróżnicowaną problematykę niniejsza monografia została podzielona
na dwie części. W pierwszej zatytułowanej „Innowacyjność w procesie
podnoszenia konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw i regionów Unii Europejskiej"
omówiono kwestie dotyczące szeroko rozumianej innowacyjności i jej wpływu
na otoczenie. Analizę rozpoczęto od określenia znaczenia „gospodarki opartej
na wiedzy" dla przedsiębiorstwa, poprzez rolę czynnika ludzkiego w procesie
podnoszenia innowacyjności przedsiębiorstw oraz innowacyjną współpracę
regionalną, skończywszy na nowych rozwiązaniach technicznych (technologiach
informatycznych). Długa część monografii „Znaczenie innowacji dla rozwoju
polskiego sektora MSP na Jednolitym Rynku Europejskim" całkowicie została
poświęcona rozwojowi innowacyjności sektora MŚP. Ujęte w niej zagadnienia
obejmują ogólną charakterystykę sektora MSP w Polsce na tle krajów Unii
Europejskiej, analizują instrumenty wsparcia sektora z uwzględnieniem szczególnej
roli funduszy strukturalnych oraz znaczenie innowacyjności na przykładzie
wybranych branż i przemysłów.
Należy podkreślić, że zawarte w tej publikacji problemy stanowią punkt
wyjścia do dalszej dyskusji i pogłębiania wiedzy w zakresie znaczenia procesów
innowacyjnych dla przedsiębiorstw. Wymaga to dogłębnych studiów i bacznej
obserwacji zachodzących zjawisk gospodarczych. Polecając Państwu tę publikację
mamy nadzieję, że spotka się ona z przychylnym przyjęciem i konstruktywnymi
propozycjami doskonalenia zawartych w niej treści.
European Union is one of the most important economic and political groupings in the „old continent". The main directions of its development for the nearest future are adopted in the so-called Lisbon Strategy, which main aim is to make Union the most competitive and dynamie economy in the world, based on knowledge, capable of sustainable economic growth and securing new better jobs and social cohesion. One of the fundamental areas of this strategy is improvement of research and technological development and innovation activities. Being a vital factor of growth and innovation, small and medium sized enterprises play a crucial role in the Lisbon process. Therefore, European Union's policy towards SME sector is playing an increasingly important role in assisting enterprises to improve their competitiveness, to increase their engagement in research and innovative activities, but also in promoting entrepreneurship as "a way of living" and improving access to finance for SME. As an expression of the importance of enterprises development, instruments of Community's policy are becoming more involved in this area. It is visible in many programming documents, such as Commission's Communication "Implementing the Community Lisbon programme: modern SME policy for growth and employment" (2005) or "Competitiveness and Innovation Framework" Programme (CIP), which first part is devoted to guidelines for improvement of innovation of SME. In this context it should be stressed that Polish small and medium sized enterprises are characterized by extremely low level of innovation. It is partly a result of a lack of coherent innovation policy at national level. Solutions proposed in many state's programmes mostly remained on paper. There are many barriers involved on both sides, macroeconomic policy of the government administration and enterprises' limitations, which effectively restrict implementation of new instruments for industry. The present monograph is the second publication prepared in the Department of European Integration and International Marketing of Technical University of Lodz dedicated to issues conceming functioning of enterprises, and especially small and medium sized firms, in the Single European Market. This monograph concentrates on SMEs' innovation as an important aspect of improving competitiveness of economies of European Union's Member States. It is the result of common effort of severa) Polish academic centres which are engaged in research in this area. We hope that this monograph will contribute to the deepening of knowledge in the area of innovation and will become a fruitful stimulus to further analysis and discussion involving both scholars and practitioners. As the topie of the monograph is broad and di verse, the book was divided into two parts. The first part entitled "Innovation in the process of increasing competitiveness of companies and regions of European Union" concerns the issues of innovativeness and its interactions with surrounding economic environment. The analysis starts with formulation of the role of the "knowledgebased economy" for enterprises and regions through involvement of human capital in increasing of firms' innovativeness and innovative cooperation of regions. The role of new information technologies are also analyzed. The second part of the monograph is entirely devoted to „the role of innovation for the development of Polish SME sector''. It involves the characteristics of the sector of small and medium sized firms in Poland comparing to SMEs in other Member States, the analysis of instruments of SMEs assistance, including structural funds, as well as evaluation of innovation on examples of chosen industries. We would like to recommend this monograph, hoping that it will be a valuable contribution to discussion on innovation of small and medium sized sector of enterprises.
European Union is one of the most important economic and political groupings in the „old continent". The main directions of its development for the nearest future are adopted in the so-called Lisbon Strategy, which main aim is to make Union the most competitive and dynamie economy in the world, based on knowledge, capable of sustainable economic growth and securing new better jobs and social cohesion. One of the fundamental areas of this strategy is improvement of research and technological development and innovation activities. Being a vital factor of growth and innovation, small and medium sized enterprises play a crucial role in the Lisbon process. Therefore, European Union's policy towards SME sector is playing an increasingly important role in assisting enterprises to improve their competitiveness, to increase their engagement in research and innovative activities, but also in promoting entrepreneurship as "a way of living" and improving access to finance for SME. As an expression of the importance of enterprises development, instruments of Community's policy are becoming more involved in this area. It is visible in many programming documents, such as Commission's Communication "Implementing the Community Lisbon programme: modern SME policy for growth and employment" (2005) or "Competitiveness and Innovation Framework" Programme (CIP), which first part is devoted to guidelines for improvement of innovation of SME. In this context it should be stressed that Polish small and medium sized enterprises are characterized by extremely low level of innovation. It is partly a result of a lack of coherent innovation policy at national level. Solutions proposed in many state's programmes mostly remained on paper. There are many barriers involved on both sides, macroeconomic policy of the government administration and enterprises' limitations, which effectively restrict implementation of new instruments for industry. The present monograph is the second publication prepared in the Department of European Integration and International Marketing of Technical University of Lodz dedicated to issues conceming functioning of enterprises, and especially small and medium sized firms, in the Single European Market. This monograph concentrates on SMEs' innovation as an important aspect of improving competitiveness of economies of European Union's Member States. It is the result of common effort of severa) Polish academic centres which are engaged in research in this area. We hope that this monograph will contribute to the deepening of knowledge in the area of innovation and will become a fruitful stimulus to further analysis and discussion involving both scholars and practitioners. As the topie of the monograph is broad and di verse, the book was divided into two parts. The first part entitled "Innovation in the process of increasing competitiveness of companies and regions of European Union" concerns the issues of innovativeness and its interactions with surrounding economic environment. The analysis starts with formulation of the role of the "knowledgebased economy" for enterprises and regions through involvement of human capital in increasing of firms' innovativeness and innovative cooperation of regions. The role of new information technologies are also analyzed. The second part of the monograph is entirely devoted to „the role of innovation for the development of Polish SME sector''. It involves the characteristics of the sector of small and medium sized firms in Poland comparing to SMEs in other Member States, the analysis of instruments of SMEs assistance, including structural funds, as well as evaluation of innovation on examples of chosen industries. We would like to recommend this monograph, hoping that it will be a valuable contribution to discussion on innovation of small and medium sized sector of enterprises.
Red. nauk. Wydz. : Lewandowski, Jerzy
Red. serii : Wodziński, Piotr
Red. serii : Wodziński, Piotr
Słowa kluczowe
przedsiębiorstwa - innowacje - Polska, przedsiębiorstwa - innowacje - Kraje Europejskie, zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem, innowacje, zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi, małe i średnie przedsiębiortswa, enterprises - innovations - Poland, enterprises - innovation - European countries, business management, innovations, human resources management, small and medium sized enterprises
Otto J. (red.), Stanisławski R. (red.), Maciaszczyk A. (red.), Innowacyjność jako czynnik podnoszenia konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw i regionów na jednolitym rynku., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2007, ISBN 978-83-7283-234-4.