Research on surface geometry of woven fabrics of different structure
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
The geometric structure of surface of textile materials is of significant functional, operational and
aesthetic importance. Generally, the geometric structure of the surface of materials consists of three
main elements: shape, waviness and roughness [1,2]. Parameters characterizing a quality of fabrics
surface, i.e. surface topography are strongly related to the fabrics’ structure, raw material composition
and a way of finishing. The aim of presented work was to analyse the parameters characterizing the
geometric structure of the surface of cotton woven fabrics with different weaves. Totally, 12 fabric
variants were the objects of the investigations. They were woven fabrics of 6 weaves and 2 kinds of weft
yarn. Surface topography measurements were made by means of the MicroSpy® Profile profilometer by
FRT the art of metrology™ [3]. Using the Mark III software cooperating with the profilometer, the basic
parameters characterizing the geometric structure of the fabrics’ surface were determined according to
standard [4]. Results showed that the fabrics differ between each other in the aspect of the majority of
parameters characterizing the surface geometry. Statistical analysis confirmed that weave and linear
density of weft yarn significantly influence the surface properties of the investigated fabrics.
Słowa kluczowe
roughness, profilometer, weave, fabric, chropowatość, profilometr, splot, tkanina
Kosiuk G., Matusiak M., Research on surface geometry of woven fabrics of different structure. W: AUTEX 2022 : 21st World Textile Conference AUTEX 2022 - AUTEX Conference Proceedings, Lodz University of Technology Press, Lodz 2022, s. 25-29, ISBN 978-83-66741-75-1, doi: 10.34658/9788366741751.6.