Design and research of a new type of anti-vibration gloves with the use of distance knitted fabrics
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
The paper presents tests of vibration damping in anti-vibration gloves with knitted spacers. The research
was carried out at the Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile
Design. Measurements of the anti-vibration properties of the gloves were made on two types of vibration
generating devices - a hammer drill and an orbital sander.
Two gloves with spacer knitted inserts with different physico-mechanical parameters and one standard
available on the market were tested. The conducted research shows that all gloves have vibro-insulating properties to a different degree.
Słowa kluczowe
vibrations, spacer, anti-vibration glove, OSH, wibracje, przekładka, rękawica antywibracyjna, BHP
Gębicki M., Węglarski K., Pawliczak Z., Frydrysiak M., Design and research of a new type of anti-vibration gloves with the use of distance knitted fabrics. W: AUTEX 2022 : 21st World Textile Conference AUTEX 2022 - AUTEX Conference Proceedings, Lodz University of Technology Press, Lodz 2022, s. 358-362, ISBN 978-83-66741-75-1, doi: 10.34658/9788366741751.74.