Wet torrefaction of biomass waste into value-added liquid product (5-HMF) and high quality solid fuel (hydrochar) in a nitrogen atmosphere

dc.contributor.authorKostyniuk, Andrii
dc.contributor.authorLikozar, Blaž
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationDepartment of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering. National Institute of Chemistry. Kostyniuk, Andrii.en_EN
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationDepartment of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering. National Institute of Chemistry. Likozar, Blaž.en_EN
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationFaculty of Polymer Technology. Likozar, Blaž.en_EN
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationPulp and Paper Institute. Likozar, Blaž.en_EN
dc.contributor.authorAffiliationFaculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. University of Ljubljana. Likozar, Blaž.en_EN
dc.descriptionAppendix A. Supplementary data: https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0960148124005159-mmc1.docx
dc.description.abstractWet torrefaction (WT) offers distinct advantages over other pretreatment methods for producing hydrochar, making it also a promising technology for converting biomass waste into value-added platform chemicals. In this research, we conducted a comprehensive investigation into the influence of reaction conditions on the WT process, evaluating its effects on the surface morphology and elemental composition of the resulting hydrochar, as well as on the formation of value-added liquid products, such as 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF). During the course of our study, we utilized wood cellulose pulp residue (WCPR) as the feedstock and subjected it to WT in a nitrogen atmosphere. This process encompassed a temperature range of 180–260 °C, H2O/WCPR ratios ranging from 10 to 25, and reaction durations spanning from 15 to 60 min. Our findings unequivocally revealed that the reaction conditions during the WT of WCPR significantly influence the properties of the resulting hydrochar and the distribution of liquid products. Elemental and proximate analyses showed that as the reaction temperature and time increased during the WT of WCPR, the hydrochar composition experienced significant changes, including an increase in carbon content and a reduction in oxygen content. At the same time, the distribution of the liquid product revealed that 220 °C was the optimal temperature for producing 5-HMF, achieving an impressive selectivity of 73.3 % without the need for a catalyst. In summary, our research has established the optimal conditions for WT of WCPR as follows: a temperature of 220 °C, a reaction time of 30 min, and an H2O/WCPR ratio of 10. Various properties of the obtained hydrochar were thoroughly assessed, including the higher heating value (HHV), decarbonization, dehydrogenation, deoxygenation, enhancement factor, surface area, pore diameter, as well as solid, carbon, hydrogen, and energy yields. The highest carbon content, reaching 68.3 %, was achieved at 260 °C after 30 min of treatment, resulting in an HHV of 27,340 kJ/kg and an enhancement factor of 1.43. Finally, we have proposed a comprehensive reaction pathway to elucidate the WT of WCPR under these optimized conditions.en_EN
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors acknowledge financial support from CARBIOW (Carbon Negative Biofuels from Organic Waste) Research and Innovation Action funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Programme with grant agreement ID: 101084443. The authors are also thankful to BioTrainValue (BIOmass Valorisation via Superheated Steam Torrefaction, Pyrolisis, Gasification Amplified by Multidisciplinary Researchers TRAINining for Multiple Energy and Products' Added VALUEs), with project number: 101086411 (Horizon Europe, Maria Skłodowska-Curie Staff Exchange).en_E
dc.identifier.citationAndrii Kostyniuk, Blaž Likozar, Wet torrefaction of biomass waste into value-added liquid product (5-HMF) and high quality solid fuel (hydrochar) in a nitrogen atmosphere, Renewable Energy, Volume 226, 2024, 120450, ISSN 0960-1481, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2024.120450
dc.relation.ispartofseriesRenewable Energy 226 (2024) 120450
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 Internationalen
dc.subjectwet torrefactionen_EN
dc.subjectwood cellulose pulp residueen_EN
dc.subjectbiomass wasteen_EN
dc.titleWet torrefaction of biomass waste into value-added liquid product (5-HMF) and high quality solid fuel (hydrochar) in a nitrogen atmosphereen_EN
pl.publication.versionReceived 7 December 2023, Revised 25 January 2024, Accepted 2 April 2024, Available online 6 April 2024, Version of Record 10 April 2024.


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Appendix A. Supplementary data: https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0960148124005159-mmc1.docx