Współczesne zabezpieczenia emerytalne. Wybrane aspekty ekonomiczne, finansowe i demograficzne.
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Wydawnictwa Politechniki Łódzkiej
Mająca międzynarodowy wymiar dyskusja na temat modelów systemów
emerytalnych, trwa nieprzerwanie od ponad 30 lat, kiedy w krajach Ameryki
Łacińskiej rozpoczęto na szeroką skalę reformy emerytalne. Model finansowy
(zwany również kapitałowym) zyskał wówczas wielu zwolenników,
dlatego systemy emerytalne zaczęły ewoluować od czystych modeli
niefinansowych (pay-as-you-go, zwanych również repartycyjnymi), poprzez
mieszane modele niefinansowo-finansowe (repartycyjno-kapita-łowe), nawet
do modeli finansowych w czystej formie (np. w Chile). Reformy zmierzające
w kierunku hybrydowych systemów emerytalnych przeprowadziły również kraje
Europy Środkowowschodniej. Jednak kryzys finansowy, trwający od 2008 roku
sprawił, że w krajach naszego regionu nastąpił odwrót od tych reform. Systemy
emerytalne zaczęły się ponownie stawać bardziej publiczne, mniej prywatne.
Państwo w coraz większym stopniu przejmuje na siebie przyszłe zobowiązania
emerytalne. Podobnie dzieje się w Polsce. Składkę do OFE obniżono
w 2011 roku, natomiast w 2013 roku, w momencie, gdy przekazujemy tę książkę
do recenzji, rząd publikuje raport z przeglądu systemu emerytalnego, w którym
sugeruje dalsze ograniczanie roli zarządzanego przez prywatne podmioty
i mającego charakter finansowy II filaru systemu emerytalnego. OFE są coraz
bardziej marginalizowane. Rodzi się wiele pytań o to: w jakim kierunku
powinny być w najbliższej przyszłości reformowane systemy emerytalne,
w jakich uwarunkowaniach ekonomicznych, demograficznych i prawnych te
reformy są przeprowadzane, kto jest lepszym gwarantem wypłaty przyszłych
emerytur – państwo czy rynek, w jakim zakresie w systemie emerytalnym
powinny być wykorzystywane rynki finansowe, czy lepsze są zaopatrzeniowe
systemy emerytalne, finansowane z podatków, czy też systemy ubezpieczeniowe,
finansowane ze składek, czy powinny być oparte na modelu
zdefiniowanego świadczenia, czy też na modelu zdefiniowanej składki.
Mnogość tych pytań obrazuje, jak bardzo skomplikowanymi konstrukcjami
– pod względem ekonomicznym i finansowym – są współczesne systemy
emerytalne, których sprawność działania tak bardzo zależy od demografii.
Dlatego w monografii zaprezentowano wieloaspektowe podejście do problematyki
emerytalnej i zgodnie z tym jej treść podzielono na trzy części.
The financial crisis, which began in 2008, induced changes in long-term social and economic policies. Many European countries have gradually been withdrawing from reforms aimed at the financial character of their pension systems. Pension systems have begun to become again more public and less private. Countries increasingly take on the future pension obligations. This is also the case of Poland. Contribution to pension funds has been decreased and further reducing the role of open pension funds (OPF), managed by private entities and having a financial nature, is considered. Pension funds as the main element of the second pillar of Polish pension system, are becoming increasingly marginalized. The purpose of the monograph is a discussion on many questions emerging due to these tendencies, such as: what direction reformed pension systems should have in the near future; in what economic, demographic and legal conditions these reforms are carried out; who is a better guarantee of future pension payments – the state or the market; to what extent the financial markets should be used in the pension system, which system is better – financed by taxes or financed by contributions, and which model is better – of defined benefit or of defined contribution. A multitude of these questions illustrates how complex constructions – in economic and financial terms –modern pension systems are, and how much their efficiency depends on demographics. Therefore, in the monograph, a multi-faceted approach to the pension issues is presented and according to this the content is divided into three parts. In the first part, entitled "Economic aspects of pension security", there are chapters on both foreign and Polish pension systems and their reforms. Among others, problems of measuring the effectiveness of pension systems are discussed, as well as the issues of the evolution of employee pension schemes as the effect of the global financial crisis, and the results the pension reform in Poland and its future, or the desired direction of change. The second part entitled "The financial aspects of pension security” is mainly subjected to the problems of pension funds in Poland, including their portfolios and investment efficiency, their impact on the finances of the state, OPFs’ reporting requirements in respect of their members etc. This section also discusses the investment policy of voluntary pension funds and pension savings issues. Finally, the third part of the monograph – "Age and demographics and retirement security" – is devoted to the demographic problems. It includes chapters on the relationship between age and economic activity of population and the impact of demographic trends on the social and health security system, especially in the context of population aging.
The financial crisis, which began in 2008, induced changes in long-term social and economic policies. Many European countries have gradually been withdrawing from reforms aimed at the financial character of their pension systems. Pension systems have begun to become again more public and less private. Countries increasingly take on the future pension obligations. This is also the case of Poland. Contribution to pension funds has been decreased and further reducing the role of open pension funds (OPF), managed by private entities and having a financial nature, is considered. Pension funds as the main element of the second pillar of Polish pension system, are becoming increasingly marginalized. The purpose of the monograph is a discussion on many questions emerging due to these tendencies, such as: what direction reformed pension systems should have in the near future; in what economic, demographic and legal conditions these reforms are carried out; who is a better guarantee of future pension payments – the state or the market; to what extent the financial markets should be used in the pension system, which system is better – financed by taxes or financed by contributions, and which model is better – of defined benefit or of defined contribution. A multitude of these questions illustrates how complex constructions – in economic and financial terms –modern pension systems are, and how much their efficiency depends on demographics. Therefore, in the monograph, a multi-faceted approach to the pension issues is presented and according to this the content is divided into three parts. In the first part, entitled "Economic aspects of pension security", there are chapters on both foreign and Polish pension systems and their reforms. Among others, problems of measuring the effectiveness of pension systems are discussed, as well as the issues of the evolution of employee pension schemes as the effect of the global financial crisis, and the results the pension reform in Poland and its future, or the desired direction of change. The second part entitled "The financial aspects of pension security” is mainly subjected to the problems of pension funds in Poland, including their portfolios and investment efficiency, their impact on the finances of the state, OPFs’ reporting requirements in respect of their members etc. This section also discusses the investment policy of voluntary pension funds and pension savings issues. Finally, the third part of the monograph – "Age and demographics and retirement security" – is devoted to the demographic problems. It includes chapters on the relationship between age and economic activity of population and the impact of demographic trends on the social and health security system, especially in the context of population aging.
Red. nauk. Wydziału Organizacji i Zarządzania: Lewandowski, Jerzy.
Słowa kluczowe
Fundusze emerytalne, Emerytury, Systemy emerytalne
Chybalski F., Marcinkiewicz E., Współczesne zabezpieczenia emerytalne. Wybrane aspekty ekonomiczne, finansowe i demograficzne., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2013, ISBN 978-83-7283-548-2.