Zastosowanie programu RECON do tworzenia powiązań symbiotycznych w parku przemysłowym
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej ; Łódź
Lodz University of Technology. Press ; Lodz
Lodz University of Technology. Press ; Lodz
A proper balance of all materiał and energetic streams, which could be exchanged is
a very important issue in the stage of designing of symbiotic connections between
enterprises situated in an industrial park. In case of large quantity of data connected with
many enterprises, which emit diverse materiał and energy streams, making the balance is
laborious and moreover can cause trouble. There are computer tools available dedicated
to balance chemical and energetic plants. The tools can be adapted to support tasks
connected with industrial symbiosis creation. A computer program RECON has been
tested. Its usefulness for this purpose has been proved.
The chapter includes a 'step by step' manuał, which is to facilitate RECON users to
make materiał and energy balances necessary for the next phases of symbiotic
connections designing. In order to obtain a proper degree of clarity, the operation of the
program has been reviewed on basis of a simple example of industrial park consisting of
four enterprises emitting typical waste streams. The manuał includes the following
elements: familiarizing new users with specificity of the RECON interface, a physical
units declaration, creation of a new task, editing of a list of components (materials),
implementation of graphical objects, nodes creation, materiał and energetic streams
creation, input of node and stream parameters, preparing for the stage of balancing,
calculation initiating, reading and interpretation of results. The text of the chapter has
been supplemented with numerous screenshots from individual stages (steps) of the work.
Słowa kluczowe
program RECON, symbioza w parkach przemysłowych, powiązania symbiotyczne, bilans materiałowy i energetyczny, RECON program, symbiosis in industrial parks, symbiotic connections, material and energy balance
Marcinkowski A., Owczarek M., Zastosowanie programu RECON do tworzenia powiązań symbiotycznych w parku przemysłowym. W: Powiązania symbiotyczne między przedsiębiorstwami : praca zbiorowa, Doniec A. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2009, s. 59-80, ISBN 978-83-7283-311-2.