Decomposition of the Equations of Motion in the Analysis of Dynamics of a 3-DOF Nonideal System
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Tytuł tomu
The dynamic response of a nonlinear system with three degrees of freedom, which is excited by nonideal excitation, is investigated. In the considered system the role of a nonideal source is played by a direct current motor, where the central axis of the rotor is not coincident with the axis of rotation. This translation generates a torque whose magnitude depends on the angular velocity. During the system operation a general coordinate assigned to the nonideal source grows rapidly as a result of rotation. We propose the decomposition of the equations of motion in such a way to extract the solution which is directly related to the rotation of an unbalanced rotor. The remaining part of the solution describes pure oscillation depending on the dynamical behaviour of the whole system. The decomposed equations are solved numerically. The influence of selected system parameters on the rotor vibration is examined. The presented approach can be applied to separate vibration and rotation of motions in many other engineering systems.
Słowa kluczowe
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2014 (2014), Article ID 816840, 8 pages