Wydział Mechaniczny / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / W1
Stały URI zbioruhttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/1
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Pozycja Statics, Dynamics and Stability or Sturctures. Vol. 7, Future of Thin-Walled Structures Analysis(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2023) Czechowski, Leszek (Ed.); Kołakowski, Zbigniew (Ed.); Teter, Andrzej (Rec.); Jasion, Paweł (Rec.)Pozycja Turbiny parowe(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2020) Kryłłowicz, Władysław; Badyda, Krzysztof (Rec.); Hanausek, Paweł (Rec.)"Niniejszy skrypt jest przeznaczony zasadniczo dla studentów Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Łódzkiej, kierunek energetyka. Skrajne ograniczenie ilości godzin wykładowych (aż piętnaście!) w ramach przedmiotu turbiny cieplne (a więc obejmującego również i turbiny gazowe) powoduje u słuchaczy wyraźne trudności z uporządkowaniem wiedzy. Pochodzące z lat siedemdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku skrypty profesora Władysława Gundlacha – trzytomowa seria Maszyny przepływowe – są obecnie trudno dostępne. Dydaktyka turbin parowych w Politechnice Łódzkiej opiera się zatem na podręczniku Ryszarda Chodkiewicza Ćwiczenia projektowe z turbin cieplnych oraz na monografii Gundlacha Podstawy maszyn przepływowych i ich systemów energetycznych, obejmującej teorią wszystkie maszyny przepływowe i w związku z tym nieco zbyt trudnej dla debiutantów. Skromny objętościowo skrypt, który oddaję do rąk Czytelników, ma pełnić rolę swoistego „przewodnika” po skomplikowanych zagadnieniach techniki turbin parowych. Publikacja obejmuje bowiem nie tylko tematykę dotyczącą wyłącznie przepływów, ale i zagadnienia konstrukcyjne oraz eksploatacyjne. Wychodzi naprzeciw akademickim zobowiązaniom każdego studenta, który w trosce o jakość swoich kompetencji inżynierskich zobligowany jest do uzupełniania, pogłębiania i aktualizacji wiedzy. Służyć temu mogą także ważne publikacje z zakresu turbin parowych, takie jak na przykład: opracowanie profesora Edmunda Tuliszki Turbiny cieplne. Zagadnienia termodynamiczne i przepływowe, praca autorstwa Stefana Perycza – Turbiny parowe i gazowe czy też skrypt profesora Tadeusza Chmielniaka z Politechniki Śląskiej, zatytułowany Turbiny cieplne."Pozycja 50 lat Inżynierii Materiałowej w Politechnice Łódzkiej(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2023) Kula, Piotr; Gawroński, Zbigniew; Wendler, Bogdan; Klimek, Leszek; Rylska, DorotaPozycja Kochaj(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2024) Halusiak, SławomirPozycja Guidance of the resonance energy flow in the mechanism of coupled magnetic pendulums(Elsevier, 2022) Pilipchuk, Valery N.; Polczyński, Krystian; Bednarek, Maksymilian; Awrejcewicz, JanThis paper presents a methodology of controlling the resonance energy exchange in mechanical system consisting of two weakly coupled magnetic pendulums interacting with the magnetic field generated by coils placed underneath. It is shown that properly guided magnetic fields can effectively change mechanical potentials in a way that the energy flow between the oscillators takes the desired direction. Studies were considered by using a specific set of descriptive functions characterizing the total excitation level, its distribution between the pendulums, and the phase shift. The developed control strategies are based on the observation that, in the case of antiphase oscillation, the energy is moving from the pendulum subjected to the repelling magnetic field, to the oscillator under the attracting field. In contrast, during the inphase oscillations, the energy flow is reversed. Therefore, closed-loop controller requires only the information about phase shift, which is easily estimated from dynamic state signals through the coherency index. Advantage of suggested control strategy is that the temporal rate of inputs is dictated by the speed of beating, which is relatively slow compared to the carrying oscillations.Pozycja Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Inżynieria Materiałowa - Materiały i Technologie(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Sawicki, Jacek - Redaktor naukowyPozycja Numerical analysis of the dynamic thread stretching process(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Prążyńska, Aleksandra; Mikołajczyk, Zbigniew; Kuchar, MaciejThe subject of the paper is the analysis of the dynamic thread stretching process under extreme conditions of the excitation speed with the physical phenomena described in terms of rheological models. The analysis was carried out using three basic models relating to viscoelastic bodies, i.e. the Maxwell, Kelvin-Voigt and Standard 2 models. The relationships between the reaction forces of the stretched threads and the input parameters of the process were included both in an analytical form and in a numerical model. The theoretical analysis was related to the experimental tests carried out on polyester threads with a linear mass of 84, 110 and 334 dtex, assuming the tensile speed ranging from 0.6 to 1.5 m / s. The experiment was carried out on a custom designed test stand. In the conclusion of the obtained research, it can be stated that the most appropriate model for the description of the analysed thread stretching process is the Standard model 2 and it should be emphasized that the traditional analysis based on analytical relationships coincides with the results of numerical analysis. This proves the correctness of the adopted numerical model with specific boundary conditions.Pozycja 1D, 2D and 3D dosimetry – a brief overview of the DosLab group’s research work(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Sąsiadek-Andrzejczak, Elżbieta; Jaszczak, Malwina; Maras, Piotr; Dudek, Mariusz; Piotrowski, Michał; Kozicki, MarekDosLab is a research group from the Lodz University of Technology, Poland. The research topics carried out by the DosLab group are innovative and interdisciplinary, covering the area of textile engineering, materials engineering, radiation chemistry and medical physics. This study is intended to present an overview of the group's work related to 1D, 2D and 3D dosimetry of UV and ionizing radiation.Pozycja Investigation of wettability measurements of protective gloves materials(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Irzmańska, Emilia; Adamus-Włodarczyk, Agnieszka; Jastrzębska, Aleksandra; Litwicka, NataliaWettability measurements of the polymeric materials that are designed to be used for protective gloves are the key aspect in the evaluation of their potential safety of use. The gloves made of polymeric materials that will be resistant to chemical or biological contamination should exhibit low wettability and good adhesive properties to reduce the possibility of accumulation of hazardous substances on the surfaces of the gloves together with losing dexterity of hand movement during work. Currently, in laboratory practice, there is no method to investigate thoroughly the wetting properties of polymeric surfaces taking into consideration parameters like water permeability index, non-wettability index, and absorption index. The presented research concerns the novel way of measuring the wettability of polymeric protective gloves, and the validation of the proposed method. Based on the series of performed measurements, a thorough assessment of the uncertainty budgets for individual components of performed metrological analysis of obtained results was performed. Based on these findings, the measurement errors that could affect the reliability, repeatability, and quality of the performed investigation have been identified.Pozycja Manufacturing. Instructions for Laboratory(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Gumienny, Grzegorz; Władysiak, Ryszard; Januszewicz, Bartłomiej; Just, Paweł; Koter, Katarzyna; Witkowski, Błażej; Zgórniak, Piotr; Zora, Andrzej; Deja, MariuszMaking things has been an essential activity of human civilizations since before recorded history. Today, the term manufacturing is used for this activity. For technological and economic reasons, manufacturing is important to the welfare of the all developed and developing nations. Technology can be defined as the application of science to provide society and its members with those things that are needed or desired. Technology affects our daily lives, directly and indirectly, in many ways. Manufacturing is the critical factor that makes technology possible. The word manufacture is derived from two Latin words, manus (hand) and factus (make); the combination means made by hand. The English word manufacture is several centuries old, and “made by hand” accurately described the manual methods used when the word was first coined. Manufacturing – Instructions for laboratory, is designed for a first course or two-course sequence in manufacturing at the bechelor’s level in mechanical, industrial, and manufacturing engineering curricula. Given its coverage of engineering materials, it is also suitable for materials science and engineering courses that emphasize materials processing. Finally, it may be appropriate for technology programs related to the preceding engineering disciplines. Most of the script’s content is concerned with manufacturing processes (about 65% of the text), but it also provides significant coverage of engineering materials and production systems. Materials, processes, and systems are the basic building blocks of modern manufacturing and the three broad subject areas covered in the script.