Wydział Mechaniczny / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / W1
Stały URI zbioruhttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/1
1 wyniki
Wyniki wyszukiwania
Pozycja Sensitivity Analysis of Steel Box-Section Girders.(Lodz University of Technology. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Department Division of Dynamics., 2013) Lis, Paweł; Kotełko, MariaThe paper deals with the load–carrying capacity stochastic variance based sensitivity analysis of thin–walled box–section girder subjected to pure bending. The lower– and uppe-r-bound load–capacity estimation is performed. The methodology is based on the Monte-Carlo method . The exemplary results are presented in diagrams and pie charts showing the sensitivity of load–capacity to different random input variables. The analysis is focused on the variance of the yield stress of the girder material and girder’s wall thickness. Some final conclusions, concerning an efficiency of the applied models and the sensitivity analysis are derived.