Wydział Technologii Materiałowych i Wzornictwa Tekstyliów / Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design / W4

Stały URI zbioruhttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/4


Wyniki wyszukiwania

Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 3 z 3
  • Pozycja
    Analysis of thermal aging effect on the tensile strength of textile materials intended for the reinforcement of conveyor belt
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Lemmi, Tsegaye Sh.; Barburski, Marcin
    Woven fabrics produced from high tenacity (HT) polyester/polyamide 66 yarns are most widely used to reinforce conveyor belts in the mechanical rubber goods industry. The tensile property of the conveyor belt is primarily dependent on the property of fabrics used to reinforce the belt. During the production process of the conveyor belt, the textile-rubber reinforcement undergoes a vulcanization process at high temperature to provide compulsory physio-mechanical properties of the belt by adhering the woven fabric with a rubber. Subjecting textile materials to high temperatures for the vulcanization process has an influence on the mechanical properties of the woven fabric. The main aim of this work was to investigate the effect of thermal aging on the tensile property of HT polyester yarn and woven fabric which is intended to reinforce conveyor belt. An extensive experiment on HT polyester yarn and the woven fabric was conducted by subjecting the textile materials to various aging temperatures. Additionally, the tensile property of fabrics after the vulcanization process of the conveyor belt was conducted to fully understand the effect of vulcanization temperature on the properties of woven fabric. The experimental test results of polyester yarn, woven fabric, and fabrics removed from the conveyor belt revealed that vulcanizing of the textile reinforced conveyor belt at high temperature(220 °C) can diminish the tensile strength and increase the elongation at break of the yarn and fabric.
  • Pozycja
    Research on surface geometry of woven fabrics of different structure
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Kosiuk, Gabriela; Matusiak, Małgorzata
    The geometric structure of surface of textile materials is of significant functional, operational and aesthetic importance. Generally, the geometric structure of the surface of materials consists of three main elements: shape, waviness and roughness [1,2]. Parameters characterizing a quality of fabrics surface, i.e. surface topography are strongly related to the fabrics’ structure, raw material composition and a way of finishing. The aim of presented work was to analyse the parameters characterizing the geometric structure of the surface of cotton woven fabrics with different weaves. Totally, 12 fabric variants were the objects of the investigations. They were woven fabrics of 6 weaves and 2 kinds of weft yarn. Surface topography measurements were made by means of the MicroSpy® Profile profilometer by FRT the art of metrology™ [3]. Using the Mark III software cooperating with the profilometer, the basic parameters characterizing the geometric structure of the fabrics’ surface were determined according to standard [4]. Results showed that the fabrics differ between each other in the aspect of the majority of parameters characterizing the surface geometry. Statistical analysis confirmed that weave and linear density of weft yarn significantly influence the surface properties of the investigated fabrics.
  • Pozycja
    Badania i analiza przepuszczalności udarowej tkanin
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2007) Tokarska, Magdalena; Skubis, Tadeusz; Szosland, Janusz
    W pracy analizowano cechę płaskich wyrobów włókienniczych - tkanin, jaką jest ich przepuszczalność udarowa powietrza. Badania tej cechy dokonano na specjalnie wykonanym stanowisku pomiarowym. Za pomocą przemieszczającego się w cylindrze tłoka wymusza się udarowy przepływ powietrza przez próbkę tkaniny. Jednocześnie rejestruje się spadek ciśnienia na próbce, strzałkę ugięcia wyrobu, przemieszczenie tłoka i prąd elektromagnesu powodujący ruch tłoka. Opracowana została miara liczbowa udarowej przepuszczalności powietrza płaskich wyrobów włókienniczych w postaci zmodernizowanego wskaźnika IP ( ang. impact permeability) pozwalająca na szeregowanie wyrobów włókienniczych pod względem ich właściwości przepływowych. W pracy dokonano również oceny niedokładności wyznaczenia wskaźnika IP.