Polimery ksylilenowe - niezwykłe tworzywa wielkocząsteczkowe
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Wydawnictwo Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology. Press
Lodz University of Technology. Press
Having been discovered in the forties and developed in the sixties of the
twentieth century, poly(xylylenes) owe their current technological interest to the
progress made in microtechnology. Mainly known under the trade name of
Parylene, xylylene polymers constitute a separate class of polymeric materials.
This is due to the fact that they are produced in the form of thin surface coatings,
resulting from a chemical vapor deposition process and from its vacuum
polymerization/deposition variant in particular.
There are several well established industrial applications of
poly(xylylenes ), among which protection of electronic circuitry (printed board
circuits, hybrid circuits, etc.) against the environmental effects is stili the major
one. Apart from that, xylylene polymers are being applied as coatings for ferrite
cores, rear earth magnets, elastomer products and, first of all, for various biomedical
appliances. Currently developed applications in microtechnology comprise
various microfluidic microelectromechanical systems (microscopic pumps,
valves, flow meters, chromatographic columns, etc.) as well as organie semiconductor
devices, such as organie field effect transistors, organie light emitting
diodes, and even entire active matrix displays.
The book offers a comprehensive, monographic description of xylylene
polymers. lt begins with a review of historical developments, leading to the discovery
of xylylene and its polymer. lt then describes the Union Carbide process
of Parylene manufacture. Succesive chapters are devoted to the mechanism of
poly(p-xylylene) synthesis, to the structure of xylylene polymers and to the spectroscopy
of these materials. Finally, the last two chapters deal with their utility
properties and with their applications. Particular attention is given to the most
modern applications of poly(p-xylylenes), namely those in the area of
Red. serii : Wodziński, Piotr
Słowa kluczowe
polimery ksylilenowe, polimery, polimeryzacja, spektroskopia, ksyleny - pochodne, xylylene polymers, polymers, polymerization, spectroscopy, xylenes - derivatives
Gazicki-Lipman M., Polimery ksylilenowe - niezwykłe tworzywa wielkocząsteczkowe., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2007, ISBN 978-83-7283-228-3.