Internal resonances in nonlinear vibrations of a continuous rod with microstructure.
Tytuł czasopisma
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Tytuł tomu
Politechnika Łódzka. Wydział Mechaniczny. Katedra Automatyki, Biomechaniki i Mechatroniki.
Nonlinear longitudinal vibrations of a periodically heterogeneous rod are considered. Geometrical nonlinearity is described by the Cauchy–Green strain tensor. Physical nonlinearity is modelled expressing the energy of deformation as a series expansion in powers of the strains. The governing macroscopic dynamical equation is obtained by the higher-order asymptotic homogenization method. An asymptotic solution is developed by the method of multiple time scales. The effects of internal resonances and modes coupling are predicted. The specific objective of the paper is to
analyse how the presence of the microstructure influences on the processes of mode interactions. It is shown that depending on a scaling relation between the amplitude of the vibrations and the size of the unit cell different scenarios of the modes coupling can be realised.
Słowa kluczowe
systems theory - conference, dynamical systems - conference, drganie nieliniowe, drgania wzdłużne, mikrostruktura, odkształcenia, amplituda drgań, teoria systemów, systemy dynamiczne
Dynamical systems : control and stability ; s. 19-28