New Design Method for the Formed Suction Intake in Axial-Flow Pumps with a Vertical Axis.
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Lodz University of Technology. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Department Division of Dynamics.
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej. Wydział Mechaniczny. Katedra Dynamiki Maszyn.
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej. Wydział Mechaniczny. Katedra Dynamiki Maszyn.
A concept of the formed suction intake design obtained with an algorithm for vertical
axial-flow pumps is presented. The design methodology is a part of works conducted within project no. N N513 460240 supported by the Polish National Science Center. The proposed procedure is used to optimize intakes. The results of steady
flow numerical computations in the suction intake as well as applications of the design optimization in the aspect of fulfilling two objective functions are discussed. The objective functions given by the authors concern the optimal in flow of the
fluid into the impeller.
Słowa kluczowe
suction intake, multiobjective optimization, CFD, wielopunktowa optymalizacja, obliczeniowa mechanika płynów, odsysanie
Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Vol. 20, No. 4, 2016, str. 553-568