Obciążalność i trwałość przekładni ślimakowych
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Wydawnictwo Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology. Press
Lodz University of Technology. Press
Verification calculations are indispensable in the design process of any type
of structure. Their aim is predominantly to determine whether the exploitation
and load capacity limits have not been crossed in the designed structure. They
are also applied in worm gears design. The results of verification calculations
are the basis for determining the exploitation characteristics of a future gear. If
in the design process more than one version of a worm gear has been designed,
verification calculations enable carrying out elimination by resigning from the
versions that do not meet the predetermined requirements. Basing on the
analysis of verification calculations it is possible to decide about the choice of
the finał version, the best one out of the versions developed in the design stage.
In case of difficulty with taking any of the above mentioned decisions
( elimination or final choice) it is possible to return to -the stage of design
calculations and draft of construction of the designed worm gear, being already
equipped with the knowledge about where the "barriers" lie within the limits of
the gear strain and where the safety "reserve" is excessive in its elements.
Concurrent performance of two stages of design and verification calculations
during gear design is widely practised and recommended, even for a single item,
not mentioning a series or a type series of worm gears.
Verification calculations also have other advantages. Having performed a
number of experimental researches on real and model gears and having gained
experiences in industry it is possible to differentiate empirical relationships, the
basis for verification calculations, enabling evaluating explicitly the safety and
strain of work of a given worm gear, which constitutes a good corrector of
previously made calculations and drafts and of final construction solutions
of worm gears based on them.
The described method of joining together two stages: preliminary design
works on worm gear and verification calculations is particularly effective and
advantageous in toothed gears construction.
It can be concluded from the above considerations that verification calculations
are the finał stage of all mechanical structures design, as they confirm or deny
the fact of meeting the predetermined strength and exploitation requirements by
the installations. In case of worm gears design verification calculations are to
determine if the following values have not been exceeded:
mesh resistance to pitting,
tooth root resistance to destruction,
early abrasive wear of the working surface of teeth,
temperature of the gear work,
deflection of wormshaft.
V erification calculations also include determining the finał efficiency of worm
teeth mesh and of the whole gear as well as the degree of its self-locking.
The paper provides numerous examples of such calculations.
[...] Książka dotyczy tylko i wyłącznie przekładni ślimakowych pracujących jako
reduktory. Zamieszczono w niej zależności matematyczne umożliwiające
sprawdzenie zdolności przenoszenia obciążenia, jak i spełnienia postawionych
im wymogów eksploatacyjnych, kreśląc wyraźne granice przekładniom
ślimakowym w tych dziedzinach.[...]
Red. serii : Wodziński, Piotr
Red. serii : Wodziński, Piotr
Słowa kluczowe
przekładnie ślimakowe, trwałość (inżynieria), zużycie (mechanika), metoda elementów skończonych, durability (engineering), wear (mechanics), finite element method, worm gears
Sabiniak Henryk G., Obciążalność i trwałość przekładni ślimakowych., Wydawnictwo Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź 2007, ISBN 978-83-7283-230-6.