Inclusion problems for elastic anisotropic media
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology. Press
Lodz University of Technology. Press
lnclusion mechanics appeared later then contact mechanics. The main reason for
creating that branch of mechanics was the appearance and development of the new materials
called composites. But not only. In real materials inclusions are always present.
This book is about inclusion problems, which are solved by means of complex
mathematical analysis. Although methods of the solutions, presented here, may seem difficult
at the beginning, obtainedfinal results are simple and usefuL
This book is intended for scientists and engineers who specialize in the field of inclusion
mechanics and materiał science. ft can be also usefal to academic teachers, post-graduate
students and students specializing in mechanics of solids. I hope they may draw from this
book inspiration for farther elaborations of these problems. Perhaps it would be possible for
them to simplify some results and prove the essential thesis.
Słowa kluczowe
wytrzymałość materiałów - modele matematyczne, materiały - właściwości mechaniczne - modele matematyczne, mechanika włączania, durability of materials - mathematical models, materials - mechanical properties - mathematical models, inclusion mechanics, inclusion problems
Rogowski B., Inclusion problems for elastic anisotropic media., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2006, ISBN 83-7283-174-2.