Global and local instability of thin-walled columns beyond the proportional limit
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
The problem of global and local stability in the inelastic range for thin-walled columns is
examined on the basis of the defonnation theory and the incremental theory of plasticity. Columns of closed and open cross-sections built from rectangular isotropic plates are subjected to the loading changing from unifonn compression to pure bending. A solution of elastic buckling for a thin-walled orthotropic columns based on Koiter's asymptotic method is employed to investigate the elasto-plastic buckling mode of the colunm and to detennine the critical load. The study is based on the numerical method of the transition matrix. The results of numerical calculations are presented in diagrams
Słowa kluczowe
kolumny cienkościenne, ortotropowe kolumny elastyczne, elastyczne wyboczenia, thin-walled columns, orthotropic elastic columns, elastic buckling
Kołakowski Z., Kowal-Michalska K., Global and local instability of thin-walled columns beyond the proportional limit. W: VIII Sympozjum Stateczności Konstrukcji : referaty, Zakopane, 22-26 IX 1997, Królak M. (red.), Wydawca Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź 1997, s. 115-120.