Competences of airport services in maintenance of the movement area
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
One of the fundamental activities performed at an airport is its maintenance
in the condition which enables safe and efficient air operations. The conditions
specified in Annex 14 to the Convention on international civil aviation obligate
the member states to take any essential measures to remove all contamination
from the movement area as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to ensure
a proper adhesion coefficient (friction coefficient) and low rolling resistance.
Furthermore, Annex 14 contains a demand for maintaining the surfaces clean and
removing stones and other objects which may damage the construction of wings or
engines or reduce the efficiency of other airplane subassemblies. It should be
emphasized here that the main and the most important responsibility of airport
services is to remove all contamination and waste which could have any adverse
effect on air operations from the apron and the movement area. Therefore,
research is constantly being conducted aiming at the optimization of economic
and use conditions as well as the efficiency of mechanic and chemical methods
of removing contaminations from the apron and the movement area. In addition,
it is also necessary to measure the friction coefficient and, what follows, to
develop best possible methods of such measures.The efficiency of airport
services in the maintenance of the movement area depends, to a great extent,
on competences of these services and their experience, which make it possible
to perform the assigned tasks and responsibilities properly. A high level of
competences of airport services has an influence on making good and correct
decisions, what is sometimes critical for safety in the maintenance of the movement
Słowa kluczowe
globalization-management, Business management-innovation, globalizacja, zarządzanie, innowacje
Urban K., Competences of airport services in maintenance of the movement area. W: Creative industry manager. Technical knowledge non-technical skills, Kunert O. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2012, s. 123-140, ISBN 978-83-7283-523-9.