Some contributions into a solution for plastic mechanisms in thin-walled beams
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
Two contributions into the problem of plastic mechanisms in thin-walled box-section
beams are presented in the paper. The first solution concernes a beam built of strain-hardening
izotropic material and incorporates membrane strain energy in the total energy
of plastic deformation. The second solution takes into account orthotropic properties
of a beam material while a rigid-perfectly plastic behaviour of the material is considered.
Numerical results are presented in diagrams showing an energy of plastic deformation
and bending moment at the global plastic hinge in terms of rotation angle at that
Słowa kluczowe
cienkościenne belki, nośność, odkształcenia plastyczne, thin-walled beams, load-carrying capacity, plastic deformation
Kotełko M., Some contributions into a solution for plastic mechanisms in thin-walled beams. W: VIII Sympozjum Stateczności Konstrukcji : referaty, Zakopane, 22-26 IX 1997, Królak M. (red.), Wydawca Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź 1997, s. 139-144.