Podstawy analizy jakościowej
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology. Press
Lodz University of Technology. Press
Skrypt jest przeznaczony dla studentów II semestru Wydziału
Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności - kierunków Biotechnologii oraz
Ochrony Środowiska, a także Biotechnologii na IFE (CKM). Jest
dostosowany do programu zajęć laboratoryjnych z analizy jakościowej
obejmującego 60 godzin. Program ten to podstawy analizy pozwalające
na poznanie charakterystycznych własności i reakcji chemicznych
kwasów, zasad oraz soli (roztwory i substancje stałe).
W układzie tabelarycznym przedstawiono reakcje charakterystyczne
podstawowych kwasów i zasad, reakcje kationów z odczynnikami
grupowymi, a mianowicie: chlorkami, siarczkami, wodorotlenkami ziem
alkalicznych, amoniakiem, węglanami (sodu i amonu), fosforanami, a
także z siarczanami, chromianami, jodkami, fluorkami i szczawianami.
Również w układzie tabelarycznym przedstawiono sposób identyfikowania
anionów poprzez reakcje wstępne z rozcieńczonym kwasem
siarkowym lub solnym, stężonym kwasem siarkowym, jonami: srebra,
baru, jodkowymi, nadmanganianowymi oraz jodem. Podano także reakcje
charakterystyczne (specyficzne) anionów, pozwalające na zastosowanie
analizy wybiórczej.
Autorki mają nadzieję, że skrypt okaże się przydatny studentom w
poznaniu metod analitycznych i ułatwi pracę w laboratorium analizy
This book is designed for the students of the second se me ster of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Technical University of Lodz, specialized in Biotechnology and Environmental Protection as well as for the students of the International Faculty of Engineering, specialized in Biotechnology. The book summarises the chemical principles of the qualitative analysis that are used during the laboratory course. The programme includes the elementary aspects of properties and characteristic reactions of acids, bas es and salts that exist in liquid and solid f orms. The elementary knowledge of the qualitative analyses of inorganic chemistry which the students should gain through their first experimental chemistry course of the studies is mainly given in the form of tables. This brief form of the fundamental principles allow to understand and systematise the properties of various gro ups of ions in a fast and a simple way. The book is divided into few main chapters with tables describing the chemical properties of different groups of cations and anions. In the first part of the book the tables contain the specific reactions for acids, bases and specific reagents of the cation groups such as chloride, sulphide, ammonia, hydroxides of alkaline earth metals, carbonates, phosphates as well as sulphates, chromates, iodides, fluorides and oxalates. The second part of the book contains the reactions that identify various groups of anions through the reactions with concentrated and/or diluted sulphuric(VI) acid, hydrochloric acid, iodine as well as with ions of silver, barium, iodide and permanganate. Specific reactions conceming the selective analyses are also mentioned there. We hope that this book will be useful to the students that attend the laboratory course of the qualitative analysis. Its aim is to help working effectively and properly as well as to offer a basie knowledge of one of the parts of analytical chemistry in a brief and a simple way.(...)
This book is designed for the students of the second se me ster of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Technical University of Lodz, specialized in Biotechnology and Environmental Protection as well as for the students of the International Faculty of Engineering, specialized in Biotechnology. The book summarises the chemical principles of the qualitative analysis that are used during the laboratory course. The programme includes the elementary aspects of properties and characteristic reactions of acids, bas es and salts that exist in liquid and solid f orms. The elementary knowledge of the qualitative analyses of inorganic chemistry which the students should gain through their first experimental chemistry course of the studies is mainly given in the form of tables. This brief form of the fundamental principles allow to understand and systematise the properties of various gro ups of ions in a fast and a simple way. The book is divided into few main chapters with tables describing the chemical properties of different groups of cations and anions. In the first part of the book the tables contain the specific reactions for acids, bases and specific reagents of the cation groups such as chloride, sulphide, ammonia, hydroxides of alkaline earth metals, carbonates, phosphates as well as sulphates, chromates, iodides, fluorides and oxalates. The second part of the book contains the reactions that identify various groups of anions through the reactions with concentrated and/or diluted sulphuric(VI) acid, hydrochloric acid, iodine as well as with ions of silver, barium, iodide and permanganate. Specific reactions conceming the selective analyses are also mentioned there. We hope that this book will be useful to the students that attend the laboratory course of the qualitative analysis. Its aim is to help working effectively and properly as well as to offer a basie knowledge of one of the parts of analytical chemistry in a brief and a simple way.(...)
Skrypt dla studentów Politechniki Łódzkiej Wydziału Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności oraz Centrum Kształcenia Międzynarodowego
The book for the students of Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences an International Faculty of Engineering
Tekst równol. pol., ang.
The book for the students of Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences an International Faculty of Engineering
Tekst równol. pol., ang.
Słowa kluczowe
analiza jakościowa (chemia) - podręczniki akademickie, laboratorium chemiczne - bezpieczeństwo - praca, własności kwasów, reakcje chemiczne kwasów, metoda analityczna, qualitative analysis (chemistry) - academic textbooks, chemical laboratory - safety - work, acid properties, chemical reactions of acids, analytical method
Gasińska E., Janiak J., Smolińska B., Sobiecka E., Podstawy analizy jakościowej., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2010, ISBN 978-83-7283-336-5.