Wyzwania współczesnych menedżerów w handlu internetowym
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
Rozwój handlu internetowego w ostatnich latach nie zwalnia swojej dynamiki, coraz więcej przedsiębiorstw wprowadza na rynek platformy sklepowe. Duża konkurencyjność sektora e-commerce wymusza na menedżerach podążanie za trendami, ale i stawia nowe wyzwania wyróżnienia się wśród tysięcy egzystujących podmiotów handlu internetowego. Wydaje się, iż kluczowym zagadnieniem najbliższych lat jest znalezienie właściwej i skutecznej formy promocji pozwalającej przyciągnąć nowych klientów.
The dynamic development of e-commerce in the last years causing more and more companies trading on the Internet. The high competitiveness of the ecommerce means that managers get the new challenges associated with the eshop distinction among the thousands of coexisting companies. It seems that the key issue in the coming years is to find an appropriate and effective form of promotion that allows to find new customers. Important factors in the development are correct customer service, efficient cooperation with suppliers and attention to innovative e-store functionality. Perhaps in the near future managers will have to manage e-shop adapted to mobile devices.
The dynamic development of e-commerce in the last years causing more and more companies trading on the Internet. The high competitiveness of the ecommerce means that managers get the new challenges associated with the eshop distinction among the thousands of coexisting companies. It seems that the key issue in the coming years is to find an appropriate and effective form of promotion that allows to find new customers. Important factors in the development are correct customer service, efficient cooperation with suppliers and attention to innovative e-store functionality. Perhaps in the near future managers will have to manage e-shop adapted to mobile devices.
Słowa kluczowe
menedżer, handel elektroniczny, sprzedaż internetowa, manager, E-commerce, Internet sale
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Łódzkiej. Organizacja i Zarządzanie., 2013 z.50 s.271-279 sum.