Influence of initial imperfections on the collapse behaviour of box-columns
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
In this work the analysis of the post-buckling state in the elasto-plastic range of a box-colunm
subjected to uniform compression in the elasto-plastic range is preseoted.
The problem is investigated using Rayleigh-Ritz variational method. The stress-strains
relations in the plastic range are determined on the basis of the flow theory of plasticity.
The proposed method is a combination of analytical and numerical solutions.
Different materiał stress-strain curves and initial imperfections such: out-of-flatness and
residual stresses are taken into account. The load-shortening curves for column of
different geometrical parameters and material properties are shown in diagrams.
Słowa kluczowe
box column, the flow theory of plasticity, buckling, analysis of the post-buckling state, przepływowa teoria plastyczności, kolumna pudełkowa, wyboczenie, analiza stanu po wyboczeniu
Grądzki R., Influence of initial imperfections on the collapse behaviour of box-columns. W: VIII Sympozjum Stateczności Konstrukcji : referaty, Zakopane, 22-26 IX 1997, Królak M. (red.), Wydawca Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź 1997, s. 79-82.