Professional competences of a future manager based on the example of professional and personality competences of internal auditor.
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Wydawnictwa Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
In the market economy, realization of business ventures is inherently
associated with risk. Especially in times of economic crisis on the world scale,
the level of business risk significantly increases. Due to the need to properly
assess the risk level and implement appropriate control mechanisms, internal
audit units are being established in well-managed companies. Internal audit
helps an organization accomplish its objectives by giving the assurance of the
effectiveness of processes. The article presents the location of the internal
auditor in the organizational structure of a company and decribes in detail
required qualifications of the internal auditor prescribed in the International
Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing with the most
professional like: CIA, CISA and ACCA. The key issue for the successful
performance of the internal audit within a company are personal qualities and
necessary attributes possessed. Because of large responsibility and also day-today
work requiring often to cope with difficult situations resulting from the
specifics of that work, internal auditors must have specific personality traits and
possess necessary attributes. Internal auditor is a relatively young profession in
Poland. At the same time, due to increasing complexity of processes,
organisation and current issue of risk in business activity, it is a profession that
steadily gains in importance and no doubtly International Professional
Standards enforce the auditors to be people with professional qualifications and
personal traits of an effective future Manager.
Słowa kluczowe
globalization, management, globalizacja, zarządzanie, kompetencje zawodowe, menedżer, audytor wewnętrzny
Frączkowska E., Professional competences of a future manager based on the example of professional and personality competences of internal auditor. W: Creative industry manager. Technical knowledge non-technical skills, Kunert O. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2012, s. 48-64, ISBN 978-83-7283-523-9.