Mathematical model of a multi-parameter oscillator based on a core-less three-phase linear motor with skewed magnets.
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Politechnika Łódzka. Wydział Mechaniczny. Katedra Automatyki, Biomechaniki i Mechatroniki.
This paper uses the example of a three-phase core-less linear motor to create
a mathematical model of single-dimension multi-parameter oscillator. The studied
linear motor consists of: a stator, an U-shaped stationary guide-way with permanent
magnets placed askew to the motor’s movement’s direction; and a forcer, a movable set
of three rectangular coils subjected to alternating external electrical voltage. The
system's parameters are both mechanical (number of magnets and coils, size of magnets,
distances between magnets, size of coils) and electromagnetic (auxiliary magnetic field,
permeability, coil’s resistance). Lorentz force allows for the transition from
electromagnetic parameters to mechanical force and Faraday’s law of induction creates
a feedback between the forcer’s speed and coils voltage. An Ampere’s model of
permanent magnet is used to determine the simplified function of auxiliary magnetic
field distribution throughout the stator. In the model the external voltage applied to each
coil serves as the excitation while displacement of the forcer is the output parameter.
The solution to the introduced mathematical model of the system is compared with the
experimental results showing a good coincidence.
Słowa kluczowe
systems theory - conference, dynamical systems - conference, mechatronics - conference
Dynamical systems : mechatronics and life sciences ; s. 185-196