Random Response of Steel Hall Subjected to the Dynamic Excitation by the Generalized Iterative Stochastic Perturbation Technique
Tytuł czasopisma
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Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
This work aims to analyze the random response of steel halls subjected to dynamic wind
excitation. The investigated object has recently been erected in central Poland and its mathematical model has
been created in Abaqus 2017 software. The model includes the warp of beam elements involved in the
structure which adds additional value to this work. Dynamic analysis has been performed with the Hilber-
Hughes-Taylor algorithm and recovered responses undergo further approximation in polynomial form for
probabilistic analysis. Several uncertainties of mechanical and environmental nature are investigated.
Generalized Iterative Stochastic Perturbation Technique has been contrasted with Monte Carlo Simulations
and Semi-Analytical Approach. Conclusions from this comparison are discussed in this paper.
Słowa kluczowe
stochastic finite element method, reliability analysis, stochastyczna metoda elementów skończonych, analiza niezawodności
Bredow R., Kamiński M., Random Response of Steel Hall Subjected to the Dynamic Excitation by the Generalized Iterative Stochastic Perturbation Technique. W: XXVII LSCE 2021 : Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering. Contemporary problems. Book of Abstracts, Szafran J. (Ed.), Kamiński M. (Ed.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2021, s. 45-48, ISBN 978-83-66741-15-7.