Zastosowanie kotar akustycznych w czasie wykonywania prac remontowych
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Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
W referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych kotar akustycznych. Badane kotary zastosowane były na ogrodzenia placu, gdzie prowadzono prace remontowe. Źródłem dźwięku (hałasu) były małe maszyny robocze do prac ziemnych. Wyniki badań doświadczalnych porównano z wynikami podobnych badań z zastosowaniem przenośnych ekranów akustycznych obniżających hałas powstały podczas pracy tych samych maszyn. W badaniach wykorzystano program Noise Explorer – Type 7815. Analiza otrzymanych wyników pozwoliła na sformułowanie wniosków o praktycznym zastosowaniu.
This paper presents the results of experimental studies of acoustic curtains. The tested curtains were used on the fence of square where the renovations works were carried out. The small working machines for earthworks were the source of sound (noise). The results of experimental studies were compared with the results of similar studies with the application of mobile acoustic screens during the work of the same machines. The program Noise Explorer – Type 7815 was used during researches. The analysis of obtained results allowed to formulate the conclusions which have a practical application.
This paper presents the results of experimental studies of acoustic curtains. The tested curtains were used on the fence of square where the renovations works were carried out. The small working machines for earthworks were the source of sound (noise). The results of experimental studies were compared with the results of similar studies with the application of mobile acoustic screens during the work of the same machines. The program Noise Explorer – Type 7815 was used during researches. The analysis of obtained results allowed to formulate the conclusions which have a practical application.
Słowa kluczowe
Mechanik 2011 nr 7 s. 615