Organization of maintenance management directed on productivity improvement.
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Wydawnictwa Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
One of the essential factors deciding on enterprises competitiveness is an
effective organization of maintenance management process. In contemporary
literature on maintenance management you can more often meet the notion
of management and organization and the significance of some factors is
emphasized such as planning, rationalization of organization of structures,
changes in quality and quantity of staff, labour system improvement, control etc.,
in realization of usage and economic aims of businesses.
Observations of activities and maintenance management of technical objects
should be an inspiring factor for undertaking research activity. It is the
management (that is directing) of maintenance systems which is the essential
problem of contemporary operations.
The author of the article presents the issues of organization of maintenance
management on the basis of 20 selected building-construction businesses located
on Poland premises. The studies describe current condition of organization
systems of maintenance management and indicate on possibilities of organizations
improvements in order to increase machines productivity.
In the work the elements significant for productivity of machine and devices
organization maintenance system were distinguished. The author makes the
machine effectiveness improvement conditional on current and long-term
activities included in the framework of coherent organization and management
system of the business which convey the productivity potential of the studied
Słowa kluczowe
globalization, management, globalizacja, zarządzanie, struktura organizacji, poprawa produktywności
Bartochowska D., Organization of maintenance management directed on productivity improvement. W: Creative industry manager. Technical knowledge non-technical skills, Kunert O. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2012, s. 65-87, ISBN 978-83-7283-523-9.