A study on barrier performance of medical face masks
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
The sudden outbreak and rapid transmission of SARS-Covid-19 virus has urged people around the world
to adopt safety measures to help stop the spread of this infectious disease. Thus, there comes a sudden
increase in demand for PPEs such as face masks and gowns. This increase in demand has paved the way
for low-quality medical face masks to the public, causing a serious threat to the contamination of the
Covid-19 virus. Therefore, to verify the real picture of the performance quality of medical face masks,
we carried out a study to check their barrier performance as per the requirements of International
Standards EN 14683 and ASTM F2100. We conducted the bacterial filtration efficiency, particle
filtration efficiency and differential pressure tests on all the medical face masks samples and found that
almost all the masks fall under 95% filtration to bacterial aerosol requirement, 95% filtration efficiency
to latex sphere, and had differential pressure in limits. Our study has also concluded a correlation
between these performance criteria, and it would be a great help and time saving if we adopted the
findings of this research. The out has helped to create public confidence in their quality performance.
Słowa kluczowe
Covid-19, personal protective equipment, medical face masks, bacterial filtration efficiency, particle filtration efficiency, differential pressure, Covid-19, środki ochrony osobistej, medyczne maski na twarz, skuteczność filtracji bakterii, skuteczność filtracji cząstek, różnica ciśnień
Munir M.U., Mikučionienė D., A study on barrier performance of medical face masks. W: AUTEX 2022 : 21st World Textile Conference AUTEX 2022 - AUTEX Conference Proceedings, Lodz University of Technology Press, Lodz 2022, s. 115-119, ISBN 978-83-66741-75-1, doi: 10.34658/9788366741751.24.