Polish Foreign Trade in Clothing Products
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Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych (IBWCh) , Łódź, Polska
Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres, Lodz, Poland
Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres, Lodz, Poland
Most clothing products sold in Poland are already delivered by manufacturers with predominantly Polish capital [3], hence the only way for them to boost sales is to increase export activity. To this end, the present competitive advantage must be maintained by ensuring consistently modern designs and high product quality. As the labour costs in Poland keep growing, greater imports of B2B (Business to Business) services involving the production of clothing and ready-made products can be observed. The purpose of the study is to show the status of Poland’s foreign trade in textiles and clothing products in the years 2000−2012 by identifying relations between exports and imports, the suppliers of imports to the Polish market and export destinations. The foreign areas where the Polish clothing industry may expand into in the future are indicated too. The study is based on data published by the Central Statistical Office in Poland (GUS). A comparative analysis of the data allowed to formulate the conclusions presented in the last section of the article.
Słowa kluczowe
clothing, B2B services, foreign trade, export, import
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, Vol.22, Issue 6(108), pages 28-32