Comparison of the fineness and mechanical properties of hemp fiber conditionned in two different relative humidity environments
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
Bast fiber, like hemp, has an affinity for water [1,2]. The moisture content of hemp fiber increased with
the increasing of relative humidity [1]. The relative humidity changes the fiber properties [2,3] studied
by LPMT (Laboratoire de Physique et de Mécanique Textile) in Mulhouse, France. A comparison of the
fiber properties measured in two different relative humidity environments (30% and 60%) was studied.
The fiber was placed between two specific cardstock frameworks with glue. The fineness was
determined from the diameter measured with a projection microscope. Then, the tensile test was realised
with MTS® , tensile testing instrument, to determine the breaking force, strain and stress and the Young’s
modulus. The hemp fiber was manually extracted from unretted stem. The cultivar used was Santhica 27
cultivated in the East of France [4] by SADEF, a plant nutrition expert.
The impact of the relative humidity environment on the fiber properties was not constant. The tensile
tests realised in this study were not homogeneous. Dispersion of the results could be caused by bast fiber
multi-scale. The selection caused more variability of fiber properties than the relative humidity for hemp
Słowa kluczowe
hemp, fiber, mechanical properties, relative humidity, fineness, konopie, włókno, właściwości mechaniczne, wilgotność względna, rozdrobnienie
Decker A., Tritter A., Sarazin V., Harzallah O., Drean J.-Y., Comparison of the fineness and mechanical properties of hemp fiber conditionned in two different relative humidity environments. W: AUTEX 2022 : 21st World Textile Conference AUTEX 2022 - AUTEX Conference Proceedings, Lodz University of Technology Press, Lodz 2022, s. 143-147, ISBN 978-83-66741-75-1, doi: 10.34658/9788366741751.30.