Communication competences of managers in the twenty first century
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Wydawnictwa Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
Communication competences of a manager in the 21st century have a
significant effect on the creation of a competitive advantage of an organization.
They compose an immanent part of behaviours of all persons in an organization
responsible for producing the pro-effective culture. They create efficacy, that
is effectiveness and efficiency in the realization of its basic aims targets. They
affect proper functions of all essential structural units of organizations. Their
implementation requires inter alia a heuristic approach to interpersonal
communication processes in an organization. Therefore, they can be guided by
the following principles:
1. principle of communication dualism – awareness of process ephemerality
and multithreading,
2. principle of communication intelligence – adaptiveness of communication,
3. principle of taking into account situational and socio-cultural contexts,
4. principle of individual personality features of partners in the communication
5. principle of skilful usage and reading of verbal expressions and non-verbal
6. principle of utilization of knowledge and experience adequately to the
7. principle of high-level ethical behaviours,
8. and principle of self-control.
Słowa kluczowe
kompetencje komunikacyjne menedżera, konkurencyjność organizacji, komunikacja w organizacji, menedżer 21 wieku, manager's communication skills, competitiveness of the organization, communication in the organization, manager of the 21st century
Woźniak Jerzy W., Communication competences of managers in the twenty first century. W: Creative industry manager. Technical knowledge non-technical skills, Kunert O. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2012, s. 177-193, ISBN 978-83-7283-523-9.