Structural funds for the increase of competences of employees of enterprise in Poland - the development of staff of entrepreneurs.




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Wydawnictwa Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press


The quality of human capital in enterprises will have more and more influence on the size of the Polish economy. Currently, some branches of industry already lack in qualified employees, including management staff. Therefore, Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” will support the increase of employment and social cohesion, among others by occupational activation, the development of adaptation potential of enterprises and their employees, an increase of the education level of the society, a decrease of areas of social exclusion and support of mechanisms of effective management in state administration. Support directed at enterprises and their employees will be provided in a wide range, especially for persons with low or out of date professional qualifications, in order to strengthen their potential and adjust their qualifications, including transfer support. All these elements are supposed to lead to a situation in which, after a completed support process, the Polish economy will become more competitive. In this paper, I would like to present the assessment of structural funds in the light of development of competences of the staff of entrepreneurs.


Słowa kluczowe

globalization, management, zarządzanie, fundusze strukturalne, kompetencje pracowników, rozwój pracownika, przedsiębiorstwo, kapitał ludzki, polska gospodarka, program operacyjny "Rozwój Zasobów Ludzkich"


Szumigaj K., Structural funds for the increase of competences of employees of enterprise in Poland - the development of staff of entrepreneurs. W: Creative industry manager. Technical knowledge non-technical skills, Kunert O. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2012, s. 158-176, ISBN 978-83-7283-523-9.