Identification of a non-linear damping coefficient characteristics in the free decay test of a single pendulum with friction.




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Politechnika Łódzka. Wydział Mechaniczny. Katedra Automatyki, Biomechaniki i Mechatroniki.


A pendulum in form of an equal arms angle body being a part of a two degrees-of-freedom mechanical system with friction is identified with respect to the observed in uence of some resistance of its rotational motion in ball bearings. It is damped in a much more complex manner, what could be considered as a non-linear damping. There is supposed between others, that the effective non-linear damping characteristics depends on a few effects such as fluid friction caused by vibrations of the pendulum with two springs in the air, as well as unknown kinds of a frictional resistance existing in ball bearings. The model under investigation finds its real realization on a laboratory rig designed for experimental investigations of viscous and structural frictional effects. A transient response oscillations of the pendulum are described by the explicitly state-dependent free decay. A free decay test of the pendulum with the state dependent non-linear parameters of damping and stiffness has been performed in this paper. It provided interesting observations that led to elaboration of a method of the overall damping coefficient identification. Effects of application of the proposed semi-empirical method of identification of the overall damping and stiffness coefficients have been illustrated and discussed.


Słowa kluczowe

systems theory - conference, dynamical systems - conference, mechatronics - conference, wahadło, mechatronika, współczynnik tłumienia


Dynamical systems : mechatronics and life sciences ; s. 23-36