Journal of Management Challenges

Stały URI zbioru

Journal of Management Challenges, to zbiór oryginalnych publikacji, dotyczących teorii i praktyki z dziedziny zarządzania i inżynierii produkcji w przedsiębiorstwach, wprowadzają czytelnika w świat innowacyjnych technologii, rozwiązań strategicznych niezbędnych do rozwoju istniejących i nowo powstających firm.

Journal of Management Challenges is a collection of original publications on the theory and practice in the field of management and production engineering in enterprises, introducing the reader to the world of innovative technologies, strategic solutions necessary for the development of existing and newly established companies.

Strona wydawcy :

Strona czasopisma :

DOI : 10.34658/jmc


Wyniki wyszukiwania

Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 1 z 1
  • Pozycja
    The determinants of biotechnology development by academic entrepreneurship and spin-off companies in the commercialization process of scientific research results in Poland
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2020) Mrozowski, Paweł
    Innovative sectors of high technology are considered as one of the most important elements of the modern economy. The biotechnology industry perfectly fulfills the criteria of belonging to sectors of this type, and by some researchers [1] its development is considered indispensable for the functioning of modern economy. In technologically advanced industries, progress is impossible without access to knowledge and innovation, the most important source of which are research and development (R&D) institutions – both parts of companies and state research and educational entities (higher education institutions).