Wydział Technologii Materiałowych i Wzornictwa Tekstyliów / Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design / W4

Stały URI zbioruhttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/4


Wyniki wyszukiwania

Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 5 z 5
  • Pozycja
    Wybrane zagadnienia z metrologii użytkowej odzieży funkcjonalnej
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2016) Krucińska, Izabella; Korycki, Ryszard; Skrzetuska, Ewa; Kowalski, Krzysztof; Puszkarz, Adam; Matusiak, Małgorzata (red. nauk.); Michalak, Marina; Zimniewska, Małgorzata
    Rozwój technologii nowych materiałów, sposobu ich przetwarzania i wykorzystywania, a także coraz lepsze poznanie mechanizmów zachodzących w organizmie człowieka sprzyjają rozwojowi odzieży specjalnego przeznaczenia. Odzież już nie stanowi wyłącznie bariery przed zimnem, ale również ma za zadanie stanowić barierę przed czynnikami szkodliwymi, skrajnymi warunkami termicznymi, a także wspomagać funkcjonowanie organizmu jej użytkownika w warunkach ekstremalnych. Obecnie coraz większą uwagę zwraca się na zachowanie optymalnych warunków, w jakich powinien żyć i pracować człowiek, ponieważ zostało potwierdzone, że manualne i intelektualne zdolności człowieka osiągają swoje optimum w warunkach komfortu cieplnego. W tym kontekście problem odzieży ochronnej zapewniającej optymalny komfort cieplny użytkownika nabiera szczególnego znaczenia.
  • Pozycja
    Technology and Properties of Distance Five-layered Double-Weft-Knitted Fabrics with Elastomeric Threads
    (Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych (IBWCh) , Łódź, Polska, 2014) Włodarczyk, Bogdan; Kowalski, Krzysztof
    This paper presents the concept of forming distance weft-knitted fabrics with five knitted layers in their structure. The knitted fabrics developed have a relatively large thickness in relation to the needle pitch and distance between the needle beds of the knitting machine on which they were formed. The effect described was obtained by combining three knitted layers with the use of different reports and the number of monofilament threads knitted-in, and by modifying the knitted layers with elastomer threads. The distance knitted fabrics designed and produced for potential use as preforms for composites and parts protecting against an impact were tested and analysed with respect to their structural parameters.
  • Pozycja
    Modelling of the Knitting Process during the Knitting-in of Elastomeric Threads Using Knitting Machines with Relanit and Classic Knitting Zone
    (Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych (IBWCh) , Łódź, Polska, 2014) Pietruszewska, Renata; Kowalski, Krzysztof; Kłonowska, Magdalena; Kowalski, Tomasz Marek
    An analysis of the knitting process during the knitting-in of elastomeric threads using knitting machines with a Relanit and classic knitting zone was made on the basis of simulations considering a numerical model which takes into account the most important parameters of the knitting process, viscoelastic properties of the thread and geometrical parameters of the knitting zone. The conditions of forming stitches from classic cotton yarn were presented for comparison. The results of the simulation tests were verified experimentally on a computer-aided knitting machine with a classic knitting zone.
  • Pozycja
    Influence of Stress and Relaxation Characteristics of Knitted Fabrics on the Unit Pressure of Compression Garments Supporting External Treatment
    (Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych (IBWCh) , Łódź, Polska, 2014) Ilska, Anita; Kowalski, Krzysztof; Kłonowska, Magdalena; Kowalski, Tomasz Marek
    The paper presents an analysis of the influence of the mechanical properties’ heterogeneity of knitted fabrics and the method of determining their characteristics of stress and relaxation (deformation) on the value of unit pressure of compression garments. Changes in the value of force as a function of relative elongation were described by experimental dependencies for stress and relaxation phases for the 6th hysteresis loop, taking into account the confidence intervals. Model calculations were performed for a wide range of body circumferences G1 = 5 - 110 cm and for two values of unit pressure: 20 and 30 hPa using Laplace’s law and experimental functions determined which describe the relationship between force and relative elongation of a knitted fabric. The research indicates one of the reasons for changes in the unit pressure in the compression garments designed.
  • Pozycja
    Accelerated Ageing of Implantable, Ultra-Light, Knitted Medical Devices Modified by Low-Temperature Plasma Treatment - Part 2. Effect on chemical Purity
    (Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych (IBWCh) , Łódź, Polska, 2014) Jóźwicka, Jolanta; Gzyra-Jagieła, Karolina; Gutowska, Agnieszka; Struszczyk, Marcin H.; Kostanek, Krzysztof; Cichecka, Magdalena; Wilbik-Hałgas, Bożena; Kowalski, Krzysztof; Kopias, Kazimierz; Ciechańska, Danuta; Krucińska, Izabella
    The impact of simulated storage conditions (accelerated ageing) for the chemical purity of innovative ultra-light textile implants (knitted) designed for use in urogynaecology and general surgery (procedures in the treatment of female incontinence, in hernia treatment and vagina plastic surgery) was estimated. The chemical purity of the knitted implants designed: untreated and with low-temperature plasma surface treatment in the presence of the fluoroorganic compounds was estimated. The acceptability of the risk related to the impact of storage conditions on the chemical purity of the implant products was simulated. The examination was based on Standard PN-EN ISO 10993-18:2008: “Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 18: Chemical characterisation of materials” and was assessed in accordance with Polish and European standards.