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Pozycja Zinc and nano-ZnO – influence on living organisms(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2017) Mielcarz-Skalska, Lidia; Smolińska, BeataThe use of zinc is very common in many industries. The multitude of advantages, and capabilities make use of different forms of penetration of zinc into the environment. Due to its ability to migrate, zinc is also accumulated in living organisms. Zn is an essential trace element but both the deficiency or excess are extremely dangerous for living organisms. Nowadays nanozinc has been increasingly used. Nanozinc is a component of daily used products, like plastics, ceramics, glass, cement, rubber, foods and many others. This leads to spreading nanozinc the environment with the possibility of its penetration into living organisms. This article is a review of the impact of zinc and zinc nanoparticles on a variety of organisms: ranging from microorganisms through plants and animals, to people.Pozycja Accumulation of metal ions in selected plants from Brassicaceae and Lamiaceae families(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Szczodrowska, Agnieszka; Kubalt, Kamila; Smolińska, Beata; Leszczyńska, JoannaThis paper examines the accumulation of metal ions from soil in selected edible plants belonging to the Brassicaceae and Lamiaceae families. The effect of metal ions on factors, such as growth and morphology are also investigated. The results indicate that the addition of selected metal ions to the soil significantly increases the concentration of metal ions in the plants. The application of zinc ions significantly enhances Zn uptake in Ocimum basilicum and Mentha piperita (Lamiaceae family). Nickel ions significantly increase Ni accumulation in Lepidium sativum (Brassiaceae family). The research shows that nickel, zinc and copper accumulate in leaves at different concentrations depending on the plant species.Pozycja Nickel – the use and influence on living organisms(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Mielcarz, Lidia; Smolińska, BeataRegardless the form, nickel is an element commonly used. Its numerous advantages make it irreplaceable in many industries. The widespread use of this element in different branches leads to increasing nickel penetration to the environment and its pollution. Furthermore, the contamination of environment results in affecting the living organisms, including both plants that are directly exposed to Ni in soil, water or air, and humans whose exposition to Ni is direct (e.g. contaminated air) and/or indirect (e.g. food with high amount of Ni). Therefore, the exposition of living organisms to Ni may constitute a threat. This paper constitutes the short review of nickel as an environmental contaminant with characterization of its main sources in the environment. The nickel nanoparticles have been also studied. The influence of Ni and its nanoparticles on living organisms with emphasizing its allergenicity of human has been described.Pozycja The contamination of soil with metal ions and a content of biologically active compounds in the selected consumer plants(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2015) Szczodrowska, Agnieszka; Kubalt, Kamila; Smolińska, Beata; Leszczyńska, JoannaSoil has been habitually the most common sink for wastes containing heavy metals [1]. Higher metal ions concentration in plants caused several physiological and biochemical disorders including reduced growth and yield, nutrient uptake, changes in chloroplast ultrastructure and initiation of oxidative stress [2, 3]. Antioxidant enzymes are one mechanism plants have evolved as a response to metal-induced toxicity [4]. For example, guaiacol peroxidase (POD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), superoxidase dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) significantly contribute to regulate the cellular redox homeostasis to a safe level [5]. The present study investigates the biochemical effects of metal ions-poisoning on plants from a Lamiaceae and Brassicaceae families.Pozycja Advantages of lignite addition in purification process of soil polluted by heavy metals(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2012) Król-Domańska, Katarzyna; Smolińska, BeataEnvironmental contamination by heavy metals represents a potential threat for plants, animal and humans. The metals do not undergo biodegradation. Many of them are soluble in water, therefore become more available for living systems and accumulate in the environment, especially in soil. This paper presents properties of brown coal (lignite) which show that this substance can be use as cheap and efficient sorbent in soil contaminated by heavy metals.Pozycja Metody oczyszczana gleb zanieczyszczonych rtęcią(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2010) Smolińska, BeataW pracy przedstawiono problem zanieczyszczenia środowiska rtęcią, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem form występowania tego pierwiastka w glebie oraz jego dopuszczalnych stężeń w glebach Polski. Praca stanowi zbiór metod oczyszczania gleb zanieczyszczonych rtęcią. Szczegółowo omówione zostały metody fizyczne, tj. usunięcie zanieczyszczonej gleby, izolacja oraz elektroremediacja oraz metody chemiczne, takie jak mycie gleby, przemywanie i immobilizacja zanieczyszczeń in situ. Praca obejmuje również przegląd metod biologicznych stosowanych do oczyszczania gleb zanieczyszczonych rtęcią (fitoremediacja).Pozycja Zanieczyszczenia gleb miejskich miasta Łodzi wybranymi pierwiastkami śladowymi(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2010) Niedbała, Mateusz; Smolińska, Beata; Król-Domańska, KatarzynaPraca zawiera wyniki oznaczeń i zawartość jonów pierwiastków śladowych w glebach antropogenicznych miasta Łodzi. Badania laboratoryjne wykonano dla dziewięciu próbek glebowych pobranych w różnych miejscach miasta Łodzi. W próbach oznaczono stężenia Pb, Co, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cd, As metodą absorpcyjnej spektroskopii atomowej. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wskazują że koncentracje wymienionych jonów w glebach Łodzi utrzymują się na niskim poziomie, zatem badane gleby urbano- i industroziemne można zaliczyć do gleb niezanieczyszczonych.Pozycja Phytoextraction of heavy metal contaminated soils(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2010) Smolińska, Beata; Król-Domańska, KatarzynaThis work presents the problem of soil pollution by heavy metals and its negative influence on the living organisms. In this paper the phytoremediation technique of cleaning soil polluted by heavy metals has been described. The use of plants to clean up soils polluted by heavy metals is more effective when the process is enhanced by different compounds. Some chemical enhancements like EDTA as well as natural substances, like low molecular weight organic acids (for example citric acid) can be used in the assisted phytoextraction. This paper presents the latest reports about EDTA and citric acid assisted phytoextraction of lead, cadmium and zinc polluted soils. Moreover, the risks of using these chelators in assisted phytoextraction have been described.