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  • Pozycja
    Synchronization in arrays of coupled self-induced friction oscillators
    (Springer, 2016-11) Marszal, Michał; Saha, Ashesh; Jankowski, Krzysztof; Stefański, Andrzej; Katedra Dynamiki Maszyn. Wydział Mechaniczny. Politechnika Łódzka.; Division of Dynamics. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Lodz University of Technology.
    We investigate synchronization phenomena in systems of self-induced dry friction oscillators with kinematic excitation coupled by linear springs. Friction force is modelled according to exponential model. Initially, a single degree of freedom mass-spring system on a moving belt is considered to check the type of motion of the system (periodic, non-periodic). Then the system is coupled in chain of identical oscillators starting from two, up to four oscillators. A reference probe of two coupled oscillators is applied in order to detect synchronization thresholds for both periodic and non-periodic motion of the system. The master stability function is applied to predict the synchronization thresholds for longer chains of oscillators basing on two oscillator probe. It is shown that synchronization is possible both for three and four coupled oscillators under certain circumstances. Our results confirmed that this technique can be also applied for the systems with discontinuities.
  • Pozycja
    Bifurcations of Oscillatory and Rotational Solutions of Double Pendulum with Parametric Vertical Excitation
    (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014-06) Marszal, Michał; Jankowski, Krzysztof; Perlikowski, Przemysław; Kapitaniak, Tomasz; Division of Dynamics. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Lodz University of Technology.; Katedra Dynamiki Maszyn. Wydział Mechaniczny. Politechnika Łódzka.
    This paper investigates dynamics of double pendulum subjected to vertical parametric kinematic excitation. It includes detailed bifurcation diagrams in two-parameter space (excitation’s frequency and amplitude) for both oscillations and rotations in the domain of periodic solutions.