Książki, monografie, podręczniki, rozdziały (WM)
Stały URI dla kolekcjihttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/177
4 wyniki
Pozycja Innovation management. Theory and practice(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2015) Bartochowska, Dorota; Szumigaj, Konrad; Woźniak, JerzyPozycja Selected legal aspects of management contracts.(Wydawnictwa Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2012) Domańska, AnnaManagement contracts appeared as a form of an enterprise management when the era of market economy had dawned. The issues of management contracts are complex and multidimensional because they include economic, social, and legal aspects. The discussion below concerns selected legal aspects of management contracts which remain at the focus of the interest of private as well as public law. In order to determine the legal character of such contracts, the provisions of the Civil Code were analysed, in particular the freedom to contract, as well as the provisions of the Labour Code within the area of the employment relationship characteristics and taking judgements of the Supreme Court into account. Ultimately, the legal nature of a given management contract depends on the circumstances in a given case. The analysed selected provisions of detailed acts which the legislator regulated management contracts with indicate that these contracts are civil law contracts. From the standpoint of public law, in particular tax law, this decides about the manner of the settlement of income from such contracts with tax authorities. Natural persons providing services in person based on agreements concerning the management of an enterprise, management contracts, or similar agreements are or are not VAT payers depending on the legal relationship within which they provide these servicesPozycja The role and importance of managerial competences in the effectiveness of implementation of changes in an industrial enterprise.(Wydawnictwa Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2012) Bartochowska, DorotaEffective leadership is a principal condition of the effective process of introducing a change. Change managers in an organization perform an essential part in the effectiveness of initiation of changes, and consequently, in the formation of economic development, competitiveness and profitability of an enterprise. They are the ones who substantially initiate and promote changes in an organization and perform the function of the originator of a pro-effectivity organizational culture. This paper presents the problem on the basis of 20 selected industrial enterprises. The experience of the author in the implementation of systemic changes in enterprises indicate that a shortage of efficient managers in an organization can limit or annihilate prospective results during the implementation of changes. In the process of creating entrepreneurship in an organization qualifications and competences of middle-level managers gain in importance, determining innovative processes in an organization and having an increasing influence on the strategic success of an enterprise. The author of this article describes factors rationalizing the course of implementing changes and she presents the required and most desirable competences of managers at every stage of introducing changes.Pozycja Creative industry manager : technical knowledge non-technical skills(Wydawnictwa Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2012) Kunert, OlimpiaW założeniach strategicznych Unia Europejska przyjęła kierunek zwiększania dystansu, w stosunku do krajów rozwijających się, w zakresie bardziej innowacyjnych produktów droga społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy. Wyznacznikiem społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy jest zwiększanie poziomu skutecznie wdrażanych innowacji. W nowoczesnym modelu przemysłowym UE dąży się do maksymalnego zintegrowania procesów technologicznych z procesami produkcyjnymi w pełnej skali kontynentalnej, aby przewagi konkurencyjne państw członkowskich stały się źródłem możliwości wszystkich krajów Europy. Zatem od kompetencji innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw zależy nie tylko konieczny wzrost konkurencyjności państw, ale konkurencyjność całych gospodarek.