Theories and mechanisms of productive employment in the context of Czech pension reform

dc.contributor.authorValenčík, Radim
dc.descriptionThe result was supported by the students’ project Wealth and poverty as a problem in terms of economics of productive consumption with support for specific university research grant at the University of Finance and Administration 2020.en_EN
dc.description.abstractIn this article, we have focused on showing the most significant benefits of the approach which motivates individuals to extend the period of their productive lives in the job markets [...]. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that the focus on voluntary extension of productive employment by means of incentives incorporated into the pay-as-you-go pension scheme can bring significantly greater effects than a general extension of retirement age, in particular when doing the comprehensive solution of this issue and in the long term creating conditions in the form of comprehensive reforms in the areas of social investment and social insurance.en_EN
dc.identifier.citationValenčík R., Theories and mechanisms of productive employment in the context of Czech pension reform. W: Pensions today - economic, managerial, and social issues, Chybalski Filip (red.), Marcinkiewicz Edyta (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2021, s. 156-169, ISBN 978-83-66287-93-8, doi: 10.34658/9788366287938.14
dc.publisherLodz University of Technology Pressen_EN
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiejpl_PL
dc.relation.ispartofseriesLodz University of Technology Monographs, No. 2355en_EN
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMonografie PŁ;2355pl_PL
dc.rightsThe monograph chapter is published in open access model.en_EN
dc.subjectpension system reformen_EN
dc.subjectpension systemsen_EN
dc.subjectpay-as-you-go pension schemeen_EN
dc.subjectpension system reformen_EN
dc.subjectretirement expectationsen_EN
dc.subjectCzech pension systemen_EN
dc.titleTheories and mechanisms of productive employment in the context of Czech pension reformen_EN
dc.typeTUL monograph chapteren_EN
dc.typerozdział monografii PŁpl_PL


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