Variable-, fractional-order digital filter theoretical background
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
Digital filtering is a subject of scientific investigations [1-3], [7,9], [11-13]
from over than 50 years. Many proposed algorithms for digital filtering has
already been recognized as a classic solutions. Here one can mention IIR and
FIR filter types [l]. All filters algorithms base on the backward difference notion
[5] used to its description. Since the early seventies of the last century
a growing focus on the generalisation of the backward difference notion can
be seen. The fractional-order backward difference [4] (FOBD) is a discrete
counterpart of the fractional-order derivative [6,7]. In this work, a further
generalization of the FOBD named variable-, fractional-order backward difference
[10] (VFOBD) is applied to the digital filtering performed by the variable-,
fractional-order digital filter (VFO-DF).
A paper is organised as follows. First, in Section 2 fundamental definitions
of the VFOBD is given. Next two equivalent descriptions of the VFODF
are introduced. Finally some remarks concerning the order functions are
Słowa kluczowe
filtry cyfrowe, zmienny filtr cyfrowy rzędu ułamkowego, różnica wsteczna o zmiennej ułamkowej kolejności, digital filter, variable fractional-order digital filter, VFO-DF, variable-, fractional-order backward difference, VFOBD
Ostalczyk P., Variable-, fractional-order digital filter theoretical background. W: Modelling and Identification Algorithms for Emerging Applications in Data and Signal Processing, Romanowski A. (red.), Sankowski D. (red.), Tadeusiewicz R. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2015, s. 13-33 , ISBN 978-83-7283-657-1.